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I was the princess of the tameranien tribe. He was the prince of gotham tribe. All the girls want him you could even call him the playboy of all the tribes. His tribe was the first to come making them the most powerful vampire tribe in the world. His tribe walk among the human luring them into their nightclub or I called or I called them dens. Most vampire tribes are envious of the gotham tribe and try to take them down. .foolish of them to do so since they were the first vampire tribe, my tribe ranks in second place making us the second powerful vampire tribe in the world. We hid in the shadows keeping our own business, we only go out collect necessary things to survive but now things are changing all the princess and prince are turning hundred and eight year old which means a mate will be chose for us. We don't get to choose our mates we must participate in the blood diamond engagement and from the cup of eternal life will the name of the mates be called. A new generation is starting and I can't help but wonder if it's going to take a turn for the good or for the worse.

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Later loves robstar133
Later loves robstar133

The Prophecy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora