14 1 1

"Excuse me?"

Her soft, voice pierced through the silence he'd surrounded himself in. He'd been reading, and had blocked the world out, yet again. At her voice however, he immediately snapped himself out of it. Glancing up quickly, the young David Banner, smiled.

"Yes? What can I help you with?", he said, folding his book closed, and leaning against the wall.

He was taken aback by the sweet smile of the young woman before him. She had long, blonde hair, and her bright blue eyes, practically sparkled. She really stood out in that hallway of stern faced, students, all rushing about.

"I'm wondering if you can help me. I'm afraid I'm lost. I'm looking for Professor Greystone's class.", she replied, fiddling with a strap of the bag draped over her shoulder, as she did.

"Ah, now that, I can do."

David smiled himself, and extended his hand to her. As he straightened, she saw he was a fairly average looking fellow, with brown hair, and a nice face.

"It's your lucky day I suppose, I happen to know exactly where he'll be teaching his classes. I'm a friend of his, actually. David, David Banner, at your service, ma'am."

She took his hand, shaking it enthusiastically, and raised a brow.

"Quite the gentleman, aren't you?", she chuckled.

"Well, I'd like to think so."

She let out a laugh, then crossed her arms.

"I'm Elaina Marks, by the way. Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Elaina.", David answered. "Now, shall I show you to your class?"

With that, he gave a slight bow.

"Oh, yes, please."

She motioned for him to start ahead of her, and he did. Moving swiftly through the halls, he soon found himself rambling on as though he were a tour guide. He always did like meeting new students, though he himself was one of them, only last year. For her part, Elaina enjoyed listening to him. The little smile, and energy that lit up his face, as he explained everything, was wonderful to see. Finally, they made their way to a crowded hall, and there came an end to his stories. David pointed just across from them.

"There's his room.", he said.

Through the illuminated door, you could see shapes moving all around, bustling this way and that.

"And it looks like it's time for us to head on in."

"'Us'? Oh, I don't know why I'm surprised, you said you were a friend of his.", Elaina said, smirking as she readjusted her bag's strap.

"Actually, I'm not taking his class this year, but I'm walking you in, that's for sure."

Without another word, he grabbed for her bag.

"And enough of that. Your struggling with this bag is," He let out a dramatic grunt, as he hoisted it off her shoulders before continuing. "bothering the gentleman in me. Sheesh, what's a little thing like you doing, carting this around?"

He smiled down at her, and Elaina returned the grin.

"I'm building my muscles, both physical and mental. That's why I'm taking Professor Greystone's class."

"I like the way you think, Elaina. But I'm warning you, Prof. Greystone is going to give you a workout.", David replied with a chuckle.

He made his way across the hall, cutting through the mass of people, slowly thinning anyway, and opened the door for her. Inside the room, students were wandering around, as an elderly man in the front tried to usher them all to their seats. When he noticed David, his eyes lit up, and he gave a sigh of relief.

"David! Save me, boy. Get these hooligans into their seats, please.", he chuckled, heading over to him, with what was almost a waddle.

By then though, most had found their seats, even if they still hadn't quite quieted down.

"It looks like you've already taken care of it, Professor Greystone, don't worry.", David replied, smiling.

The older man turned, taking in his class with a swift glance, then smiled himself.

"Oh, I suppose so. Now, are you talking my class, again, David or-", he stopped as he noticed Elaina, and his smile widened.

"Ahh, escorting someone in, are we? And who might you be, miss?"

David chuckled softly.

"Caught red handed. This is Elaina Marks, sir. She's going to be taking your class this year."

Elaina smiled politely, and extended her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir.", she said.

He shook her hand with the usual smile, before a strange light came into his eyes.

"Marks? Not, Walter Marks, daughter?"

Elaina's eyes widened slightly.

"Yes, actually. You know my father?", she said.

His smile widened to a grin.

"Indeed I do. Walter is a good friend, we fought together in the war. But please, don't ask which one. You'll make me feel old."

He shook her hand enthusiastically now, and gave a little laugh, before she had time to properly respond.

"So, you're Walter's baby girl! It's lovely to meet you.", he continued.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, sir.", Elaina chuckled in reply, taken aback by his sudden energy.

"Well, this is great. But I'll leave you two here to talk, and eventually get to class. I've got to run.", David said.

He started back over to the door.

"Oh, right. I'll see you later, m'boy. Run along.", the professor said, facing David again.

"Bye, David. Thanks again.", Elaina added as she smiled warmly at him.

He turned to leave, but stopped halfway out of the door.

"Ah! I almost forgot."

Spinning around, he rushed back over to Elaina and pulled the bag off his back.

"You'll need this, won't you?"

With that, he handed it off and winked, before rushing out of the room.

"Quite the character, that Banner.", Greystone chuckled.

"I suppose so.", Elaina replied, sitting down.

"But he's nice, that's for sure."

     The rest of the day, was fairly average for everyone. It dragged on, more interesting and agreeable, to the passionate. In fact, many of the days that followed were the same. Just about everyone, student and teacher, fell into a familiar routine, soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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