Chapter 5

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"Bye" I wave to my dad as we reach the end of the road his silhouette seeming tiny. As we make the turn I turn back in the nice black Mercedes that belongs to Harry.

I sit back and let out a breath of air. He rolls the windows up and stare ahead at the road one hand steering and the other is in his mouth as he bites the edge of his nails.

"So, what now" I ask looking at the empty road ahead of us we have about a twelve hour drive ahead of us until we make it to the airport Harry wants to fly from.

"We can get to know each other" he suggests and I nod agreeing.

"So, how old are you?" He asks, I bet he's been wanting to know since last time I denied his answer. Well I should keep prolonging it.

"You tell me first" I respond hiding my smile when he quickly looks at me.

"Twenty seven" my eyebrow raise he's only three years older than me, I'm surprised.

"And you're a CEO?" I ask in Astonishment, he's so young.

"I get that a lot." He says leaning back towards his seat.

"If you were to go do a school shootings what's the best way to do it?" I ask looking directly at him waiting for his answer.

"I don't know, just shoot it- how would I know?" He says after a good ten minutes of thinking it through satisfied with his answer I nod and sit back.

"Why'd you ask?"

"Checking to see if you're a killer" I shrug and look at the passing trees.

"What's the answer?" He asks curiosity evident in his voice.

"To press the fire alarm, once every student evacuates outside, you have your 'fun'" I explain but he stares at me not paying much attention to the road ahead. He finally turns around shaking his head.

"Should I be afraid of you know?" He jokes

"Little ol' me, of course not" I giggled.

"Why'd you leave Harvard?" He asks me his face turning serious.

"Reasons, felt like my father needed me home since my mother passed but jokes on me since he practically pushed me out " I answer and h nods his head taking in what I just said.

"Well, what'd you study?"

"Majored in Accounting, minored in psychology-can I drive?" I explain and quickly ask as the idea pops in my head.

"You don't even know where to go?" He looks at me weirdly

"It's nothing but a straight road, kind of hard to get lost going straight" I say teasing him to which he rolls his eyes and pulls over.

"Do you have a license" he also again and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, it's in my bag in the back seat."


"Yes!" I watch as he exits the car and I jump the counsel to the drivers seat." I adjust the seat as he gets comfortable in his side.

"Don't kill us" he adds as I get back unto the road I purposely turn the wheel and the car swerves.

"Okay give me the car"

"I'm just kidding, I got this" I begin driving but he seems alert the whole time, about fifteen minutes of driving and two cars passing he finally relaxes in his seat and puts his shades on.

"Just, be careful okay" he says softly but authoritatively. I nod and tap on the wheel while driving.

"So you're good at math?" He asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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