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Basically this is really short because it was meant to be on the last chapter, but I didn't realise I hadn't added it on, and by the time people had already read it so it's just easier doing another chapter😅💗!

After picking up their food Connie and Jacob both walked hand in hand back to their hotel room.
'So what film are you thinking? I've got my laptop so we could just put on Netflix?'
'Fish and chips, now are you asking me to 'Netflix and chill' with you? Mrs Beauchamp you old romantic.'
'I'm not going to even ask what that is, but seriously what film?'
By this point they had reached the hotel and was again greeted by the woman who checked them in the previous night.
'I see you two are getting on a lot better.'
She said indicating their intertwined hands, they both just nodded sheepishly too her.
'Well she was a bit nosey, I mean what business of hers is it?'
'Con you do realise that people will be asking the exact same question tomorrow at work?!'
'Yeah about that... I would like to keep us on the down low until we know what we are, I don't want to make anything official until we know where we are. Please say you understand?'
Connie had been dreading saying them words too Jacob all day scared of how he would react.. he hadn't said anything..
'I mean Jacob I really like you and I don't want there to be rumours and everything in the ED, because it may spoil everything, if you...'
'Connie it's fine I completely get that, I would prefer it that way, but it won't stop me flirting with you and checking you out from behind.'
Jacob said winking at Connie, as she playfully hit his arm,
'Yes but remember staff nurse Masters we need to keep our professionalism.. we wouldn't want a complaint about us now would we?'
Connie said in her professional sarcastic tone, as Jacob just laughed at her.
They both got undressed as they admired each other's bodies, Connie in her thin lacy underwear and Jacob in his black Calvin Klein boxers. They both got into bed together, after eating their dinner before hand, Connie reached for her laptop and chose to put on pretty woman; much too Jacobs annoyance. After an hour into the film Connie was fast asleep as Jacob was intrigued in the film,
'Sweet cheeks'
Jacob whispered to Connie after the film had finished,
Connie uttered half asleep.
'Sorry Con I didn't realise you was asleep, I'm just putting your laptop away, go back to sleep, night.'
'Night Jacob'
Connie said sleepily as Jacob kissed her forehead,
'And Jacob?'
'Yes sweet cheeks?'
'I don't think I really like you anymore?'
Jacobs heart sunk as Connie opened her eyes too look at him.
'I think I'm starting to love you.'
Jacob looked straight into Connie's eyes, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss.
'I think I'm starting to love you too.'
Jacob said as he then felt Connie kiss him back with equal passion.
They both then fell asleep intertwined with each other holding each other impossibly close...

The Complaint  -COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora