.3 // Pregnancy Test

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*timeskip to august 1*

"Maxwell, we last had sex on June 1, and I've been having pregnancy symptoms. Can we go to RiteAid tommorow? I could be 8 weeks pregnant," I said quietly. It was 3:28 AM and everyone was asleep. "I could be carrying my baby."

"Our baby," he replied. "Even if I am a teen dad, I want to stay in our baby's life. I don't want to be a deadbeat."

I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back. We went to bed.

That morning, we woke up and didn't eat breakfast.

I told my mom that Maxwell & I were going to talk a walk.

But I didn't tell here where we were going.

When we walked into the Riteaid (a drugstore), we got candy. Maxwell went into the store and got 4 pregnancy tests. He payed for all of them. We didn't want anyone to know this, so we went into the bathroom. It was fairly clean. Him and I got in a stall and I took the pregnancy tests. I didn't mind him looking, I mean, If I ended up being pregnant, it would be his baby. We could be finding out about a human being here.

5 minutes later, we checked the 4 tests. As Maxwell & I looked down at them, 4 huge positive signs stared back at us. I was 8 weeks pregnant. 2 months pregnant.

We both cried tears of joy. We were pregnant at 15. Most young teens finding out would be upset. We were happy, knowing that I was growing a human being. It felt amazing.

"I kinda wanna keep this a secret..." we both said in unison.

"Maybe we'll tell our friends in the next few weeks," I suggested.

"Yeah," Maxwell replied. "I just want to let you know that no matter what we go through I will still love you. I want to be part of your life. I want to be part of our baby's life."

"When we're high, when we're low, when I promised I would never let you go, I said I got I got I got I got your, yeah, I said I got I got I got I got your back..." I sang.

"Got Your Back by TI and Keri Hilson. Your voice is great," Maxwell said.

I stuffed the 4 pregnancy tests in my back pocket and we walked out happy. We saw a sign of relief on the cashier's face. She must've though our tests were negative. When Maxwell & I got home, we hid our expression. Zaeden was on the couch, sleeping. Bailey was talking to Steven. Chayse was making steak on the grill out back and Ryan was doing who knows what in the bathroom. Maxwell & I walked up to our room.

"So what does it feel like, being pregnant?" Maxwell asked me.

"Well, honestly I love it so far. I love my baby bump. I love our baby," I responded. "What does it feel like being a dad?"

"I'm overcome with feelings, and its just...amazing," he replied. "Knowing that one day there will be someone half you and half the one you love in your arms."

"You took healt this year, right?" I said.

"Yeah," he responded.

"So you know how we both have depression? Will that affect our baby?" I asked.

"I don't know, google it," he told me.

"Tomorrow I will. I don't want to right now," I replied.

"Same..." he said.

We woke up early the next morning.

"Hey Max?" I said.

"Yeah, Sky?" he replied.

"I feel like I'm the only emo girl that is pregnant. Like, it's really bugging me," I said.

"We'll find someone," he said. "Oh, and I scheduled a doctors appointment, but not at a doctors office."

"Fuck you mean?" I said.

"Theres a place down the street called the Teenage Pregnancy Center. They don't make you pay for ultrasounds there and they don't call your parents."

"Oh, I've heard of that place."

"Our appointment is at 8:00, in two hours."

«two hrs later»

When we got there, there were several other pregnant teens there. To my surprise, there was 2 that appeared to be just like me- emo and pregnant.

I went over to them. They were talking.

"Oh hi, I'm Annaleice," one of them said.

"I'm Amona," the other one said.

"Hi, I'm Skylynn," I said to them. "I used to feel like the only pregnant emo, but clearly I'm not. I'm so relieved."

"Thats exactly what I though!" Annaleice said.

"Same here," Amona said. "So how far along are you guys?"

"8 weeks," I said.

"8 weeks with twins," Annaleice said.

"6 weeks," Amona said. "How old are you two? I'm 16."

"15" I said.

"15" Annaleice said.

"Do your parents know?" I asked them. They both answered with no.

A lady walked out of the hallway.

"Skylynn Canton?" she said.

I then followed her into the room. She but warm gel onto my belly, right above where my baby was. She put her transducer onto my belly and moved it around. It was confirmed. We were pregnant. 8 weeks 1 day, to be exact. It was a moment full of joy. We walked out of the room, and Annaleice and Amona were getting ultrasounds. 10 minutes later, they got out.

We got each others phone numbers.


New Characters:

Annaleice (34 weeks)

Annaleice (34 weeks)

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Amona (34 weeks)

Amona (34 weeks)

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