6. Who's the Reel Hero?

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Lakitu: Welcome back to Total Drama Mushroom Action! Last time, the contestants captured ghosts in a mansion. In the end, Luigi, who is obviously was the best ghostbuster, won and sent the Screaming Fire Flowers to elimination, and Toadette was eliminated! On Total Drama Mushroom Action!!!

(Killer Tanooki Leaves Girl Trailer...)

Peach: Boo, what do you think the next challenge is?

Boo: Honestly, I don't know. Between escaping an exploding building and capturing ghosts, I don't know what to expect.

Peach: Say... do you miss Dry Bones?

Boo: What made you think of that question?

Peach: It doesn't matter. Now answer it.

Boo: Fine...

Peach: I'm listening.

Boo: I actually don't know. Maybe dumping him was a bad decision...

Peach: Well, why did you dump him?

Boo: Uh... I'll... I don't really know. I guess- no, never mind.

(Killer Tanooki Leaves Boy Trailer...)

Luigi: Mario!

Mario: What?

Luigi: How come I have to save with you when you're saving Peach? Why couldn't I rescue Daisy!?

Mario: Because you're not qualified enough.

Luigi: Not qualified enough!? NOT QUALIFIED ENOUGH!?

Mario: Um...

Luigi: *slaps Mario* Grr!

Mario: Ouch!

Fly Guy: What's, like, going on here?

Luigi: Mario's being mean!

Mario: Me!? You should just stop complaining!

Shy Guy: Clearly you can't solve this.

Waluigi: WAA-ht do we do for 'em doc?

Shy Guy: I- I'm not a doctor.

(Screaming Fire Flowers Girl Trailer...)

Birdo: I'm, like, so glad Toadette is gone.

Daisy: Me too! She was so annoying!

Rosalina: I think it is rude to talk of our fellow companions that way.

Birdo: OMG shut up! Like, whatever!

Daisy: Yeah! Toadette was really annoying!

Rosalina: Well, I guess the game got to her.

Daisy: The game almost got to you. You were almost eliminated thanks to her, in a tie breaker!

Rosalina: Well, I guess that is true.

Birdo: Like, exactly girl.

Rosalina: Um... Birdo?

Birdo: What?

Rosalina: What are you doing?

Birdo: Texting.

Daisy: Really? Who?

Birdo: Like, my friend.

Daisy: But who?

Birdo: Like, Vivian.

Rosalina: Oh. Is it because you are both discriminated due to the lack of knowledge the fan base has on both of your genders?

Birdo: Um... no. She's just my friend.

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