Chapter 1

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I groaned as my phone rang obnoxiously and woke me up from my comfortable sleep. I rolled around to pick my phone up from the sleek black iPhone deck  . I lazily who would dare to wake me up this early . With one look I saw it was my manager Fiona . I , Brooke Taylor , currently hate my manager and am planning her death. I groggily picked up the call. "What possibly could be so important that you wake me up at-" I looked at the clock"7:35. That's too early." I said sleepily . " We'll someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed" she said "the problem is that I woke up" I said sassily. Yes I am very sassy. "Anyways , you need to come in. I need to talk to you. There is something you are going to be doing for a while. I'll give you the details when you get here" she said properly. I groaned "fine" as I hung up.

I literally rolled out of bed , hitting the floor with a loud thump. I picked my self up and went to bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my long brown hair was a mess. I decided on taking a quick shower. I scrubbed the shampoo and rinsed. I hopped out and put a towel around myself. Also I put my hair up in a towel.

I sulked to my walk in closet and took a good look around. I decided on wearing a quirky and cute. It kind of reminds me of Ariana Grande. I'm wearing my cardigan from 2020 Ave, which I love. I'm obsessed with wearing this, it's extremely comfy and cuddly, and I also enjoy buttoning up all the buttons and sticking my arms in, so I get to flop them around and smack people. Anyway, today I am styling my bow bralet with some pastel accessories, and a mint green skirt for a pop of color. I am also wearing my adorable new oxfords from Le Bunny Bleu, which I adore. It's so quirky and lovely.

I went then to my vanity. I straightened my long brown hair. I put some concealer to cover any freckles I have . The. I put on some bronzer and some blush. Next I applied some eyeliner and did a wing with a pen eyeliner. I finished it off with some baby lips and I trotted down to my kitchen.

My feet hitting the stairs with quiet thumps that echoed. I poured an bowl of cereal and scarfed it all down. " meet us at the Starbucks across from the park" my manager texted me. I shot her a quick reply and grabbed my car keys and my house keys and made my way down to my car.

I jumped in my Sleek black car. I sped down the street , chuckling because I would be late if I didn't and wanted to see Fiona's reaction. She would probably blow my brains out. Shaking myself I turned up the radio since I was stuck in huge traffic. Might as well have fun. Piano by Ariana grande started to play and I sang along, my voice hitting the notes perfectly, me and Ariana would make a good team. I found a parking space nearby the Starbucks and quickly walked to the place.

I opened the door and some girls gasped and walked up to me." Oh my god you're Brooke Taylor!!! Can I have your autograph?" They all basically screeched. It caused a big commotion so I just hushed them by signing their things and taking pictures with them. I spotted my manager in a corner chuckling at me. I laughed quietly and made my way over .

I noticed 5 unknown figures. Looking at my watch I said "sorry for being late, I was stuck in traffic" "It's fine Brooke, I saw what just happened over there" Fiona said professionally ."Take a seat"I sat across from her at the table. I sat next to one of the unknown people.

"You are going to be working with these gentlemen for a awhile now" she said "o-okay " I said unsurely . " You know them as One Direction" yup I knew she wouldn't invite me to Starbucks without something going wrong.

You see I don't really like One Direction. Their fans can get a little overwhelming. " why am I working with them" I asked with curiosity filling my voice . All of the boys looked up at me ,I didn't look at them until my manager said "well you see, you have a lot of fans" Fiona explained as I nodded.

The boys were looking at me intently. " Recent study shows that most of your fans dislike them. So we have arranged for you to blog about them, and talk about them too."  She paused "They will be talking about you too , therefore you both get more fans and more publicity" she finished. Or so I thought because then she dropped the bomb. "And we are making you date Harry"

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