In A Dream

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-/-/-/-/-(TØP TRASH)-/-/-/-/-/

I woke up with sweat across my forehead. I wiped it off and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. Faintly remembering my dream, I recalled it. I was in a bright and sunny meadow. Birds swooped around me and the buzz of bees filled my ears. Daisies were in my hands. Suddenly it turned dark. Walls fell down all around me and I was trapped inside a box. Machinery suddenly appeared. Pa was working on the machinery, but something felt different about him. He wouldn't move or talk, and he only worked. That's all he ever does now. Then I woke up.

"Diana? What are you doing here? You should be in bed. You know they don't like us up past nine." Ma said and I suddenly remembered. Fear crawled back into me and I ran into my room and under my sheets. I looked out the small crack from my boarded window and saw flashing lights searching and scouring every inch of the city.

"I'm sorry Ma. I just had a bad dream." I said and she hugged me.

"It's ok darling. We've all been having bad dreams lately. With them soldiers wandering round here we're all afraid. But you know it'll be okay. Just go back to bed." She said and I nodded and sunk into my bed.

Morning came and the sun shined through the window crack. That's the only light I get now a days. That and the flashlights that shine in my eye every day. Speaking of which, it's Checking Time.

I rose up and got dressed in my worn old clothes. Pa got into his work outfit and opened the door to head out.

"Bye Pa! Love ya!" I said as he walked out. He ignored me and walked out.

"Diana! What did I tell you! You don't speak to your father. Ever!" She said and I furrowed my brows.

"But why not Ma?" I asked and peeked though my little window.

"He's different. I told you. He's not your father anymore and we just have to accept it." She said and spun around, sniffling.

"But he is!" I whisper yelled.

"No he ain't! I've told ya and I won't tell ya again. It's for your own good. You know those recruits out there? He's just like every one of em! Brain-dead and emotionless. He don't care if you say bye. He don't care if you say hello. And he sure as hell don't care if you love him or not." She yelled and started crying. My father was a recruit. He was one of those dead people. I looked outside and saw all the recruits walking in one formation.

They must've had him spying on us. Making sure we stay in order. I hugged Ma and she told me to get ready for the Check.

We walked downstairs and through the tunnel that led to the Checking Rooms. Everyone else was walking beside us. I suddenly saw my friends Janet.

"Janet! Hey! Janet!" I yelled and my Ma pulled me backwards as Janet spun around. Her eyes were white and dead. Her eyes stared into mine and she walked towards me. Ma pulled me towards the crowd and took me away from her.

"Ma! Ma what's happened to Janet? Why does everyone have white eyes?" I asked and Ma turned. She looked at all the people and noticed they all had white eyes too.

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