Personal Trainer (Special: Some Sexual Teasing)

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16,101 words. My longest one for being gone for some years. Enjoy, it's worth the read.


Stiles was gaining weight and he was gaining weight fast.

Well, he wasn't actually gaining anything. It was more like replacing his muscles with small pouches of Jello. The other day, Lydia had commented on how she couldn't even tell if his tummy was 'toned' anymore and that he should really hit the gym more often. Leave it to her to say things straight forward.

It's not like he was purposefully skipping his workout. He tries very hard to maintain his 'slender-tallish-boy-man-look', as he likes to call it. He's just been busy with college and his part-time job at the small cafe that Lydia just so happens to own. If anything, he's getting fatter because of all the sweets she has laying around. 

They're good and someone's got to check for poison, right?

Speaking of which, they were both seated behind the counter about 30 minutes before they open, with Stiles looking through the latest male vogue magazine and Lydia scrolling through Instagram.

"I mean, I don't get how dudes can just look like this! I bet all they do it is sit around and eat protein bars all the time. Then, they go to the gym to sweat it all out. These guys probably came out of the womb holding a 20 pound weight in each hand." Stiles turned each page with a groan.

Lydia looked at him from over her phone for a second before she rolled her eyes and looked back down.

"If I looked like any of these men, I'd never wear another shirt again in my life! Then, if anyone ever asked my why I'm undressed, I can say that it's because i'm scared of the possibility of flexing and ripping it. That's genius! Too bad i'm just a lanky slender-tallish-boy-man." Stiles sighed and rested his head in the palm of his hand.

"Stiles, sitting here and whining isn't going to make you gain muscle any faster." Stiles looked over at her and glared before he slammed the magazine shut and pushed it away like a stubborn child. 

"What do you want me to do? I have no time to go to the gym because I have classes in the mornings and this job during the afternoon. The only times that I have breaks are after my classes, after this job, and the weekends and those are 'me time'. AKA, sleep time. Are you even listening to me?" Stiles snapped.

Lydia sighed and put her phone down. Obviously, Stiles wasn't going to stop talking unless she made him.

"Yes, Stiles, i'm listening." She sighed.

"What did I just say?" He crossed his arms and had a challenging look on his face that made Lydia roll her eyes.

"I'm not telling you everything you said. Stop being childish."

Stiles mimicked her, "Stop being childish."

She spoke loudly over him, "Anyways, as I was saying, why don't you just use your 'me time' to go to the gym?" 

Stiles gave her a blank look, "Because i'm tired, duh. And i'd rather sleep during my free time."

"Well maybe you wouldn't be so tired if you had a hobby or had your heart pumping by running on a treadmill."

"Maybe i'll just slip and die on the treadmill instead and not have to worry about any of this." Stiles said stubbornly.

"You hope to die on a lot of things, Stiles."

"What does that even mea-" She cut him off.

"For example, when you don't want to pay for something, you say, 'Maybe I should hang myself on the clothing rack so I won't have to buy this.' or if you don't want to go somewhere you say, 'Maybe I should jump off a building and break my legs so I won't have to walk anywhere' or something even more stupid like, 'Maybe I'll drown myself in this bowl of cereal so that I won't have to eat this artificial plastic food anymore.' Honestly, it's stupid and you're not getting out of this one." 

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