Chapter 04

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**Sorry this chapter is kind of boring... just stick with me. After the first few chapters, it will get more exciting.***

Chapter 04

Ally's POV

When Amy gets home, she's acting ecstatic. I imagine that her "date" with Zach went even better than expected, if that's possible.

Somehow the evening passes quickly, though I'm not really sure why, considering all of dinner was spent with Amy telling us the same stories she had originally about Zach and his father. Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to the bonfire tomorrow. Despite the fact that we have bonfires at least once a month, I'm sure it's going to be special, as it's Zach and his father's first one.

On Friday morning, I put on my favorite flannel shirt (pink and blue plaid) and my best-fitting pair of jean shorts. It's casual, but that's okay. Although Amy will probably be wearing another dress, and we'll be clashing when we perform, nobody really cares. Amy and I practice our song some more, and she restrains herself from visiting Zach again, though I can tell its hard for her.

Mom is busy baking the whole day. Everybody in town is expected to contribute something for the bonfire (usually food), but Mom goes overboard. By the time 3:40 rolls around (the party actually starts at four, but some people, my mom included, like to get there earlier) she has a pan of brownies, a batch of chocolate chip cookies, a tray of mint chocolate dessert bar and a frosted cake, which Amy insisted say, "Welcome Reinhart Family!", which is written on it in curly green icing letters.

Sure enough, Amy changes into a lacy, ivory dress with a brown belt, which is kind of pretty but way out of place for a Hillvale bonfire. I'm sure it's to impress Zach.

The lake and Village Center are walking distance from our house, but we take the car because of all the dishes Mom made, my guitar, our microphones and lawn chairs. There are only a few others there when we arrive and Amy and I begin to set up our "stage." Really, we just find a flat enough spot to put a chair and two microphone stands. Hey, it works.

Mom sets her dishes out on the picnic tables and then unfolds all four of our lawn chairs. Dad's still at work, but he'll be here by the time the bonfire actually starts, along with the rest of the town.

Amy and I sit down and chat as we wait for everyone to arrive. I glance around when Amy stops in mid-sentence and instantly spot a teenage guy who has to be Zach. First of all, I've never seen him before and trust me, I've seen everybody in Hillvale at least five hundred times in my life. Second, his grey t-shirt, leather jacket, dark jeans and stylish shades gave him away as someone who had definitely not spent their whole life in a little hillbilly mountain town. There was another guy standing next to Zach, but he was middle-aged and pretty clearly his father.

I have to admit, he's hot. He's just not my type; while he might be nice to look at, I know he's not for me. He's a city boy who probably wants nothing more than to be back in New York, and I'm a mountain girl who wants nothing more than to spend her whole life in this small little southern town. Amy, on the other hand, probably wants to get out of this place just as much as he does.

I meet his gaze and we stand there awkwardly for a moment but he is soon distracted by Amy as she walks right up to him without hesitation. My friend Cheyenne arrives soon and I go to hang out with her for a while.

Before long it's 4:00 and basically everyone is here. Mayor Brown calls attention to himself and does his usual pre-bonfire speech.

"We are all gathered here tonight to celebrate the comfort and closeness of the small village of Hillvale," he declares, like always, as if he is announcing a wedding or something much more significant than a bonfire/party. "Tonight will we be welcoming , with open arms, two more neighbors to our village. I am pleased to introduce Zachary and David Reinhart!" he calls their names as if they've just won some redneck gameshow. They make their way to the front and stand awkwardly in the imaginary spotlight. "And let the party begin," the mayor says and talk resumes.

Adults and teens alike are crowding around Zach and his dad, trying to introduce themselves and get on the good side of the newcomers. Kids in their swimsuits are already jumping into the lake and the old ladies are sitting around the huge fire pit and talking. I see my dad squinting around the crowd, trying to find us and I wave my hand above my head for him to see. He smiles when he sees me and makes his way over.

"Amy with her boyfriend?" he asks.

"I don't think they're dating yet," I point out, smiling. It's funny how I know exactly who he means despite the fact that Zach and Amy aren't even together.

"You know what I mean."

"That's him over there," I point to Zach, his dad and the knot of people around them.

"Well," Dad says, "I think I'll wait to introduce myself." We both laugh. He asks where Mom is and I direct him, before leaving to go and find Cheyenne.

Before long, it's beginning to get dark and the bonfire is lit. The dinner dishes are set out and we all enjoy a casual feast of homemade food on paper plates as we sit on picnic table benches, lawn chairs set around the fire, the little dock in the lake, etc. Cheyenne and I settle down next to the fire and watch Amy as she laughs flirtatiously at whatever city-boy jokes Zach might be telling her.

Afterwards, Amy and I get ready on our "stage" and prepare to sing. The crowd quiets down as Amy clears her throat in the microphone. I take a deep breath to calm myself down as everyone stares at us expectantly. Then, picking up my confidence, I strum the first notes of our song and my worries are forgotten.

I see Zach watching us intently as we perform, smiling at me in a cocky way when I catch his eye. I avert my gaze from just as quickly. Can he not tell that I'm not Amy?

Amy has a different reaction to him though, of course. She grins back at him as she sings.

And that's how the night goes, the sun setting behind the mountains as Cheyenne and I chat, Zach and Amy flirt, the old ladies gossip, kids splash in the water and the parents sitting their watching it all, just like always.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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