Chapter 14

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After me and Cameron got done cleaning the kitchen after our food war I went and took a shower. Finally I got the egg and pancake batter out of my hair which was not easy!

I got out of the shower. I got dried off and wrapped my towel around me and walked out of the bathroom and into my walk-in closet. I grabbed some skinny jeans and a tee shirt along with my fur boots. I got dressed and grabbed my phone. It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and Justin was coming back today. So I called him.

"Yo" He said once he picked up.


"Hey Justin"


"Oh. Hey" He replied shortly


"So are you back yet?" I asked him hoping that he was.


"Yeah." Again with the short answers.


"So can we meet up and talk?"


"I guess."


"Um how about we meet at the coffee shop across from the school in about 20 minutes?" I suggested.


"Thats fine. Bye"


Before I got the chance to respond he hung up. I want to know what's going on with that boy and I wanted to know then. He was starting to frustrate me.


Since I was already showered and dressed I decided to headed down stairs. I saw Cameron sitting on the couch watching TV.


"Hey Cameron i'll be back soon. Bye!"


I was about to walk out the door when his voice stopped me,


"Where are you going?" He asked me.


"I'm just going to meet Justin for some coffee. He just got back from Maine." When I said that his smile dropped and turned into a frown. Which was weird.


"Oh..ok well see ya" he said that and then walked off.

Well that was weird.What's up with everyone acting so weird lately? Ehh whatever.

Coffee shop here I come!




Cameron's POV

I was sitting there on the couch thinking back to this morning when me and Nicole had our food fight. We made a huge mess but it was so worth it. I mean what girl laughs when she gets eggs and pancake batter in her hair? I was sitting there just thinking when I heard footsteps coming down the steps. I looked over and saw Nicole.


"Hey Cameron i'll be back soon. Bye!"  She said before she started walking out the front door.

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