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So I think I decided whether or not I should have a co-author.

My answer:

It would be nice and kinda great to collaborate ideas.

I had also loved the comments to chapter 5 for Guilty. If y'all didn't really like it, I could understand because my cousin sometimes helps out but she took over this one.

But I thought it would be a good time to finally get Eren in there 😁 for once.

If you all don't understand the story, I would go back and read previous chapter slowly and that chapter... I was confused a bit too. Trust me on that 😧.

Now getting back to the co-author situation, I'm still not quite sure on how it would be helpful for both parts but there is always messaging here, and on tumblr and depends on what other social media there is. If I have a co-author and they help out with stories then I will dedicate the chapter to them. It would be different if they help out with only few chapters in a story but if they help out with a whole story I will gladly and be sure there name is on the cover and etc.

So, I will now try and re-write My Protector since I didn't like the way it was written and or I'll write chapter 6 for Guilty.

Another question before I go and fangirl over something,

How many chapters should guilty have?
* I ask because I know I ended Roommates to 9 chapters I think? *

Please comment.

You all know my line.

As Always,
Peace ✌

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