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If you're still in school and your getting quizzes with 10-12 clues and answers that you have to fill in, you're getting the same homework that I used to get. If you can't be bothered to search for the answer to each clue or can't find the correct answer (that you think) just look in here and I will have weekly updates of the clues and answers of each letter in this book. These answers are the correct answers and I know that because I wrote the correct answer down if my answer was wrong. So ALL answers in here ARE correct. I hope this will help you out if you need it.

I know I rewrote everything in the description of the book, but I need people to really know what the book is about. Just letting you know that I can't be bothered doing proper titles so yeah. All of the answers are about New Zealand too. Anyway... There will be a new update later this week or early next week with quiz 'A' clues and answers. Hopefully you read that chapter. Baiii! :)

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