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When we get back to the house Dino runs up to me.

"There you are! We were worried about you!" Dino says. I hug him and laugh.

"Thank you Dino," I say. I pull back and look between the two boys. "And you two need to get to practice," I say giving them a look. They nod and Jihoon gives me a peck and heads down stairs. Dino looks at me.

"Eww," he says then runs off after him. I laugh and take the leash off Mars.


I am woken up the next morning by a slobbery tongue licking my face.

"Mars!" I say. I hear Jihoon chuckle from behind me. I roll over to look at him.

"Good morning Baby-girl," he says before he kisses my nose.

"Good morning,"  I say sleepily.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you out," he says. He kisses me then gets up and goes gets dressed. I hop up and put on a pink sweater of Jihoon's over a white crop top, a white pleated skirt, and some white shoes. I take my phone and check if there is money in the case.

"You ready?" I ask Jihoon when I come out the door. He nods.

"You?" I hold up my phone. He picks up Mars' leash and puts it on her. I grab my Camera and we head out the door. We start to walk towards the park. When we get there we see a young girl with a Seventeen shirt on. I stop and put a finger over my lips and point to her. He nods and we slowly, quietly make our way over to her. When we get behind her I tap her shoulder and she turns around and see us. She squeals and hugs us.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god," she squeals jumping up and down. She turns to her mother.

"Eomma! Take a picture of us!" She yells handing her mother her phone. Her mother takes a picture of us and she asks if she can take a picture with us with her Polaroid.

"Oh course!" We say. We pose for the picture then I ask if she wants to play with Mars. She happily agrees and kneels down and plays with her and I take a picture of her. After a couple minutes her mother drags her away and we laugh and wave goodbye. After she says bye Jihoon's phone goes off. He looks at it and then takes my free hand.

"Okay, we can go back now," he says as he starts pulling me out of the park.

"Huh?" I ask following him.

"Umm... nothing," he says.

"Okay," I say skeptically.

Our Song [Woozi Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora