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This is my first story and I writte with Wolfgirl1110 :)

So please comment and vote... :D


  Have you ever thougt about how many days you have left? If the answer is NO then leave this story, but if answer is YES then keep reading. Because I believe, that you will like it, if you read it. Maybe I will scare away some peple, but everything have price. Even thing like love. What this name means to you? Probobly some guy or girl, Who you like, or you're with.

  It can be, this word sense, but it cuold not. Maybe very many people together. Or maybe love mom and dad, at he same time, can be with love. But when you read this story and your thoughts don't change. then just let it.  


signija1232 and Wolfgirl1110 :D

Thanx for reading... :*   

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