chapter one - Stefan and Rose...

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A huge thank KristineTene. You know, you are best :*  

You think the prologue is strange? That’s nothing for all story together. And there goes chapter one…

In airplane sits a couple. Young men and young women. They just got married.


   They love starts when they met in highs school. 

    Rose was a perfect daughter, perfect in school… She was perfect. Always helps and always is in a good mood. 

   Stefan was opposite Anna. He always was bad. He hated school and everything in this world.

All started when Stefan comes to new highs school. Yes the school where study Rose. The school where they met each other.

Rose’s point of view

   I woke up and went to shower. I put on a casual dress. Dress who is knitted and who is with stars and reindeer, because soon is Christmas. I went to kitchen and ate my favorite cereal. Then I go to school. Yeah, I don’t have car I just walk to school. 

   When I enter the school, everything was ok. As far as I enter to class, my first class was chemistry. There was a new boy. And next to him was the only free place to sit. Ok I have to sit with new boy. I smile to my best friend Katrina. I go to my place. I smile to new boy. Yes he was handsome and very beautiful. If I don’t have relationship I just flirt with him. And my relationship end’s today so I can flirt with him. 

   I just start speak with him. – Hi, my name is Rose. What’s your name?

-My name is Stefan. 

-Do you like chemistry? – I ask to interrupt the silence. 

-Yes that’s my favorite class. - He says with smile on his lips.

-Then you can help me. Because I don’t understand this class. - I say this with sad emotions, because I really don’t like this class.

-Yes I can help you, but one condision. You have to teach me math.

-Yes that fine. - I was very happy because I really liked math.

   Then teacher came in and starts with new topic in chemistry. Something about oxide.

   I don’t understand any word. But Stefan writes every word witch says teachers. When class ends we (Stefan and I) agreed to go to his house and learn chemistry. I really like this guy I think I have to break up with my boyfriend today. Really he is jerk, but he was my jerk. Yes I broke up with him today. I’m not evil, he just really disturbs me and he was cheating on me.

   When I met my boyfriend (Krista) and told him I want break up. He was angry at me. Nothing special, that’s always happening when I broke up with guy’s. But this time I don’t have any sad emotions, because he deserved this. 

  Ok, I’m little evil but that’s nothing, when I become angry… 

  When school ends I go out of class and there was Stefan. He was like Greek god. Yes I like him already.  

-We can go to my house with my car. - He says with a smile.

-Ok. – I say and we go to parking space where his car was. He has very beautiful car “BMW”. I think, because I don’t now car logo. Yes that was “BMW” (when I got home I checked). 

-Where did you got this beautiful car? – I ask.

-I stole from rich people. – He says and laughs about his joke. I laugh with him. That was very strange.

   Then I get into his car. He sits beside me. We don’t speak all way to his house. He had very beautiful house. Very big, like a castle. The place was in yellow color. We went in. All looks like in some beautiful movie. 

-You like? – He asks me. As though I might not.

-Yes of course. I like. – That was the moste beautifull house I ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2011 ⏰

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