Chapter 18: Fan to Lover

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Many hours passed.

If Papyrus was at Home, it would be dinner time. Mettaton and Papyrus stayed in Mettaton's room for a half an hour then they both went on the couch and watched TV, while Mettaton was cuddling Papyrus' arm.

Alphys left to go run some arons so Mettaton and Papyrus where all alone together.

"Say Mettaton, do you want to have dinner?" asked Papyrus.

"Why sure darling, where do you want to go?" replied Mettaton.

"No I mean I can make dinner for the both of us," said Papyrus.

"Well, I not that hungry, but there are some insant noodles we can eat,"said Mettaton.

"Okay, Mettaton! I'll get two bowls of insant noodles, just for you!" said Papyrus.

"Thank you dearie!" said Mettaton as he kissed Papyrus' cheek bone.

Papyrus got up and went into the kitchen and found two cups of insant noodles. It was MTT brand Insant Noodles ™️.

Papyrus read the back of one cup and it said," Step one: Open the lid half way
           Step two: Put water in it
           Step three: Close lid
           Step four: Put in microwave for 2 min.
           Step five: Take out of microwave and             enjoy darlings! (Make sure to pose.                 dramaticaly!!!)"

"Hm, seems easy enough," said Papyrus.

Papyrus opened the lid of one cup half way. He put water in the cup and closed the lid. He put it in the microwave for 3 minutes and took it out. Then he posed dramatically.

Papyrus walked back in the living room with Mettaton's cup of noodles.

"Be careful, it is hot! I'll go get you a fork!" said Papyrus as he gave Mettaton his noodles.

Papyrus went in the kitchen and got a fork for Mettaton and came back and give it to him.

"Thank you Papyrus!" said Mettaton.

"My pleasure!" replied Papyrus as he walked back into the kitchen.

Papyrus repeated the same steps for his cup of noodles. He came back in the living room 3 minutes later with the cup of noodles in his hand and a fork in another.

Papyrus sat down next to Mettaton on the couch and he realized that Mettaton didn't eat the noodles.

"Are you going to eat it?" asked Papyrus.

"Yes, but it is very hot," replied Mettaton.

Papyrus shrugged and started to eat his noodles, it was screaming.

"YEOWIE!" screamed Papyrus because the noodles were so hot.

"Papyrus, are you okay?" asked Mettaton.

"I-I'm fine, The Great Papyrus is just, eating, in slight pain!" replied Papyrus.

"Oh dear," said Mettaton.

Soon enough Mettaton and Papyrus finished eating there noodles and through out the cups. Mettaton was back to cuddling Papyrus' arm.

Papyrus looked at Mettaton and saw that he was comfortable and happy. Then Mettaton stopped cuddling Papyrus' arm and went closer to Papyrus' face.

Mettaton kissed Papyrus' cheek bone. Papyrus turned around and Mettaton tackled Papyrus on the couch. Mettaton went straight to the point and kissed Papyrus' smile.

"Nyeh heh heh, Mettaton agian?" asked Papyrus.

"I can't help it, you are just so sweet my sugar skull~" replied Mettaton.

Has Mettaton was kissing Papyrus, Papyrus blushed a little bit.

"Sugar skull? That is new," thought Papyrus.

Mettaton got Papyrus' hand and took off his glove. He got the other hand took off the glove.

"Mettaton, what are you doing?" asked Papyrus.

"Shh, it's better this way," said Mettaton as he holds Papyrus' hand.

Mettaton then took off Papyrus' hat and said,"It was in the way."

Mettaton continued kissing Papyrus, then stopped. Papyrus sat up a little bit and wrapped his arms around Mettaton. Mettaton also wrapped his arms around Papyrus.

Then Papyrus started to think about the good times him, Mettaton and all his other friends had. And looking back how fun Mettaton was.

Papyrus as always seen Mettaton be romantic, but never knew he could be this affectionate when he actually loves somone.

It is strange to Papyrus that he remembers that he was just a huge fan of Mettaton and always wondered what it would be like to date his favorite sexy rectangle.

And here he is now, doing what can only be  a dream. He never thought that Mettaton would like him, but here he is, cuddling with him, Papyrus.

Mettaton was also thinking that he would never be dating a huge fan of his. Yes, he found Papyrus very charming, but he is also very loyal, to himself and others.

He thought that it would be nice to know his soft side. He would be a great partner in crime, but never thought he could be a good boyfriend.

And here he is, pressuring his fan to do something really, inappropriate. He was curious, how Papyrus would act or do. It would be Papyrus' first time, and also his first time.

He thought maybe he can do something that would make him want to. He wanted Papyrus. He wanted to know what Papyrus can do with his magic, that he said earlier.

Mettaton looked up at Papyrus and saw him looking down at him. Papyrus gave off a little smile and said,"Mettaton, I just wanted you to know, that you look very handsome today, actually you look handsome everyday."

Mettaton blushed and said,"You too, my handsome skeleton."

Then Papyrus touched Mettaton's face and it was cold. Papyrus closed his eyes and giggled.

Mettaton then put his arms on Papyrus' shoulders and leaned in closer to Papyrus. Mettaton and Papyrus where about to kiss until they both heard,"Oh my goodness."

It was Alphys.

Mettaton quickly turned his head and saw Alphys with her both hands on her cheeks, mouth open and her shopping bags next to her.

If she was in a cartoon, there would be stars in her eyes.

Papyrus also turned his head. Both Mettaton and Papyrus where blushing. They were very embarrassed.

"Alphys! How long have you been here?!" asked Mettaton.

"Oh, up to the part when you called Papyrus a suagr skull and I closed the door ever so slighty silent because I didn't want to ruin the perfect moment so, then I saw Papyrus doze off for a couple minutes then you looked at Papyrus and it was so cute and (oh my) then Papyrus said that you where very handsome and you called him handsome back and you two where gonna kiss and I  couldn't hold it in anymore and...and....oh boy..."

Mettaton looked mad at her while Papyrus didn't know what to say.

"Um...I-I have some important business to attend! Um- y-yeah!" said Alphys.

Alphys picked up her bags and went into her room.

Mettaton cooled down and looked at Papyrus, Papyrus looked back.

"Now, where were we~" said Mettaton.

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