Birthday imagine (Harry)

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Hi everyone! So this chapter is dedicated to my best friend, Shivi (her account is OmgHarryILY ).
She's a huge Harry girl, and since it was her birthday a few days ago, I'm dedicating this one to her. So in this imagine, Harry is going to be Y/N's boyfriend. Thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot to me. Anyway let's get started, shall we?
Y/N's POV.
The day was finally here, I was turning the big 21 today! I've been waiting for this day for so many weeks now and I felt like my heart could burst. I was awakened by feeling Harry's hand gently rubbing small circles on the skin of my back, with his arm wrapped around the side of my waist protectively. He knew that I loved to be woken up like this. I responded to this by snuggling closer into his warm, bare chest.
"Happy Birthday, my angel," he said softly, with a rasp coming in through his deep, sleepy, morning voice.
"Thank you, love," I replied.
"I love you so much, Y/N" he said.
"Love you too, Haz"

"And you're adorable when you sleep," he chuckled.
I just laughed lightly at his comment.
"What are we doing today?" I asked.
"Well, we're going to take a shower, and then I'm going to give you my present, which I hope you love as much as I do. Then we're going out for breakfast, just the two of us. After that then, if you want, we can go to the London Dungeons, because I know you loved it there the last time. Then, I have a surprise for you in the evening."
"Aaaawww Baby you planned all of that for me!"
"Of course!"
"Thank you!" I said hugging him tightly.
"You're more than welcome, my angel." He chuckled.
Harry kissed me, and we carried on, until it was getting heated. I pulled away, and said, "I think
we should go shower now"
He agreed. He slowly lifted up the duvet, and stood up, onto the soft carpet. I was about to get out of bed as well, but then Harry, came over to my side of the bed and carried me out bridal style. I laughed a little at his sweet gesture, and then thanked him.


After we took a shower, I applied lotion onto my body and changed into some warm clothes. I then brushed my hair, but left it loose since it got straightened yesterday. Then I sprayed my 'between us' perfume (which was my favourite one that I only used on very special days).

I jogged downstairs, because I was quite excited to go for my birthday breakfast, and to get my present from Harry, even though he didn't really need to buy me something.

When I arrived downstairs, Harry had the front door open, and looked quite excited to give me the gift.
"Are you ready for your present?" he asked with a cheeky smile on his face.
"Okay, but close your eyes first."
He guided me outside, whilst keeping his large hand my back, so he could gently guide me as to where I should go.
"Alright now open!" He announced.
When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what was infront of me.
A black Lamborghini. A car that I've always wanted and dreamed of. I was so shocked that I probably stood there for 10 seconds, with my mouth open, looking like an idiot.
"Do you like it?" Harry asked, sounding a bit nervous.
"Harry... I... Oh my gosh this is like... Harry... I love it so much. This is... Are you being serious?!"
He sighed a relieved sigh and then laughed a little at my reaction to the car.
"Yeah. Well I knew how much you love this car, and when we went to the dealership a few months ago, I could see how much you wanted it. But you didn't say anything, so I took the initiative, and bought it for you!" He explained nonchalantly.
I had no words to say, so I just hugged him for like 30 seconds.
"Thank you so much, Harry. I love it so much, thank you. Really, just... Thank you so much."

"Anything for my baby girl," he said, hugging me back tightly.


"Ok so since we're both dressed and ready, then maybe we can head off for breakfast now," he offered.

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