part 2

24 2 3

Aaliyah's p.o.v/
I'm not really sure where I'm at or where I'm going!I've been walking since school let out,that was 6 hours ago! I can't go back,I can't face any of them,not even my parents! They'd be disappointed in me. it's really late and I'm not going back!

1 month later
Mario's p.o.v
Aaliyah hasn't shown yet! we're all so worried about Aaliyah!She could be anywhere by now!I'm worried about Cat!Aaliyah is Cat's best friend and now that Aaliyah isn't here Cat isn't her happy self.

lunch time
Julian/poor Cat:((

Jovani/she's so broken:((

Mario/she's by herself:((

Juwany/I feel really bad,it's my fault that she's like this.

Mario/What about you Julian,it's your fault too!

Julian/I didn't do anything.

Mario/whatever,I'll be with my sister!

Jovani/me too.

Mario/sit down.

Jovani/Cat's my friend too.

Mario/until Aaliyah shows up again,you guys and Cat are no longer friends.*walks away*

Mario/hey Cat!


Mario/how about after school we go with mom,dad and look for Aaliyah?

Cat/that would be great:))

Mario/there's the smile I missed:))

(5 hours later)
"we drove around,looking for Aaliyah,we still couldn't find her!"

Cat/what if we don't find her*voice cracking*

Mario/hey,we'll find her!

(back at home)
dad/turn on the TV Mario.

Mario/What channel?

mom/the news


news reporter/Missing people from Orlando,Florida is currently 15!
the most recent one was a 15 year old girl,named Aaliyah Sánchez Gómez. She was last seen a month ago,just walking the streets by herself with the clothes on her back and her backpack!Her parents said "we sent her to school and at around 2:25 she comes home,she never returned". Last time Officials saw her was in Missouri.


Mom/Sweetheart please don't yell,now go pack some clothes:))

Cat/thank you so much Mom:))

Mario/me too,I'm coming!

Dad/we're all going silly.

Mario/hey Cat,can I tell you something?

Cat/sure what's up?

Mario/you promise you won't hate me?


Mario/I think I might like Aaliyah.

Cat/my brother likes my best friend,wait my brother likes my best friend,my best friend is liked by my brother,you did a great job not showing it! Why didn't you just tell her?

Mario/well Julian and Juwany were all over her and after that I knew I would never have a chance:((

Cat/Mario,any girl would rather be with you then any of them!

Mario/I know you went out with all of them at one point!

Cat/that is correct.

Mario/how long did each relationship last?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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