Chapter 8

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Mason's POV

"Alright so what do we know so far?" I asked, feeling exhausted. It was already eleven pm and we still hadn't gotten that much info.

"Not more than we already knew," she  replied. "Kay is really smart, he probably knew that Laurel would try to call us so he made sure to block his phone very well to throw us off."

"It will take us at least three days to hack into his phone security system-" Brent started.

"And then what?" Andrea asked. "We don't have a plan or something. We keep thinking about how to get there, not what to do once we get there. After everything I've heard about Kay, we probably won't get out of there without a good fight."

"She's right," I replied.

"Then it means that as some of us are hacking the system, others need to make a plan," Brent said.

"I think that you Andrea should work together to hack the system and I'll join Felicity and Jace in making a plan," I said.

"Yes!" Brent said while Andrea said no at the same time.

"What?" I said confused.

"You know what, its fine. We'll keep working, make a plan fast because now that we know that Kay might be expecting us, we need to get Laurel ASAP," Andrea said.

"Ok," I nodded and went to find Jace and Felicity.
Kay's POV

"My love you have to eat something," I said. It had been three weeks and she had barely eaten. All she did was drink water and take a few pieces of bread every once in a while. And sometimes she would start crying.

"I don't want to eat," she said. I had untied her about three days ago and she was moving around to avoid me. She was so pale and weak, but so beautiful.

"How is it possible that even when you are week and pale you look so beautiful?" I asked her. She looked at me for a second and I could tell that my words were affecting her. But she shrugged it off.

"I'm serious. Sometimes you act cold with me, but when I look at you, I remember why I love you. You're so beautiful and kind. You're like a pink rose in a vase of white roses. You're so pure and so full of light, you bring out the best in me. I love you so much and it hurts that you're trying to avoid me," I said.

She stared at me for what felt like an eternity, before bursting into tears. She looked so gorgeous when she cried and I only wanted to kiss her. But at the same time, I just wanted to make her happy.

"We could have had it all. Kayden, you and I could have been together. But you took the person I loved the most away from me. You took Jordan. He didn't do anything, he would have been a lovely boy if not for you. Damn you," she said. Every word broke a piece of my heart and I had to hold on to the wall to support myself or else I would fall.

"I loved that boy. I would have never done a thing to hurt you or him-"

"Shut up. You didn't want him, you never loved him. But you didn't have to take his life because of it."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked her.

"You had a disagreement with my brother over me and you took it out on me. You paid some one to push me off the stairs at Nick's party. Jordan...he...he d-died," she said, now crying her eyes out.

"Why are you lying to me? You gave him to some family for money. They paid you a lot and you just gave him away like he was nothing but garbage," I said with anger in my voice.

When The War Is Over     #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now