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Author's Note: Hello guys! Thank you, thank you for all the support and the subtle pressuring (ha-ha) to continue this! College has been quite harsh on me lately but now, well, it's finally semestral break and I've got a lot of time in my hands! Actually, just enough time to write a chapter or two, haha. Might still be busy for the next few days to take care of some stuff.

But here's an update now! This is for all those whom I've kept on waiting. Thank you!


In the middle of all the applause, it bothered him that she was good. She was the perfect one for the role. Too perfect, in fact.

He found her standing by herself backstage amidst the crowd. Classmates shook her hand, some took pictures, and others congratulated her. She was smiling and even from afar, he could see she was genuinely happy.

She turned around to leave as soon as the crowd disappeared and the noises died down a little. He walked forward.

“That was a great performance,” he called out in a moderate voice, but it was enough to stop her in her tracks. She didn’t turn around but his eye caught her stiffening back. He waited for a second before he silently closed the distance between them, inch by inch, hands in his pockets, eyes subconsciously trailing the delicate contours of her bare back showing through her dress. He caught himself for a moment and stopped just a few inches behind her. He could almost hear her breathing.

“To even think that you were crying just a few moments before it started. . .”

His voice was low and steady, as if it was meant for just her and him. Slowly, he tried to untangle his thoughts. What now? He closed his eyes and frowned. Why was he doing this? He didn’t know why he was caring so much. Hewasn’taware that he had been caring so much.

 “Of course,” he heard her say in an equally steady voice. When she turned her head to the side, she was smiling; a real yet weary one that, for some reason, made his heart ache. What now?

Turning around, she locked her eyes with him. At that moment, he lost himself.

“I’m good at acting.”

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