Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Sapphire Perseus Jackson (Girl Percy)

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Poseidon knew Sally hadn't made it. He wanted to be mad, to rage on Earth. But he couldn't endanger his daughter like that. She was still down there. And the other gods might me suspicious. He teleported down to
Earth. To the hospital his daughter was at. He picked her up out of the cradle. He couldn't leave her here. She was all he had left of Sally. He had to keep her safe. He cradled her in his arms. She was a mess of black hair poking out of a light pink blanket. He smiled. He moved the blanket down, revealing unusual sun-kissed skin. She had gotten it from him. The baby slowly opened eyes, revealing sea-green orbs that looked up at Poseidon. He smiled, she had his eyes. She gave him a big, toothless smile. She recognized him as her dad.

"Perseus," he whispered to the baby. "That's what Sally wanted to name you if you were a boy. I liked Sapphire for a girl. Sapphire Perseus Jackson. How does that sound? She smiled and made a small happy noise. "Okay, Sapphire," he said. He teleported away, back to the throne room in his palace. Amphitrite and Triton were already there.

"Amphitrite. I'm sorry... I cheated on you," he said sadly. Amphitrite was about to get mad when she noticed the solemn expression on his face. "She... she died," he said sadly. Amphitrite sighed. She figured her husband had already paid for his deeds enough. Then she noticed the bundle in his arms.

"What is that?" she asked. Poseidon looked up at her.
"She," Poseidon corrected. "Is Sapphire Perseus Jackson... my daughter," he said.

The room turned eerily quiet. Poseidon shifted uncomfortably with the baby in his arms. He knew if Amphitrite was angry, he would have to protect Sapphire.

As much as Amphitrite wanted to take out her frustrations on the child, she knew the baby was innocent. She wasn't like Hera. Triton suddenly sat up straighter in his throne.

"A daughter?" he asked. Poseidon had always had sons. And Triton had hated them all. But it was a girl. They were wiser and kinder than boy demigods.

"Yes," Poseidon reassured. Triton switched to his human form. A tall muscular boy with tan skin, jet black hair and sea-green eyes, just like his father, but in his late teens. He walked over to his father.

"Can I... see her?" he asked. Poseidon looked at his son warily. He knew Triton had never liked his children before, but he saw genuine care in his face and his voice.

"Okay... just be gentle with her," He said, handing the girl to Triton. She had fallen asleep during the talk, but woke up as soon as she was put in Triton's arms. Triton smiled at the small girl in his arms. Maybe she would be different. Sapphire giggled and reached up towards Triton's face.

"Hello, Sapphire," Triton smiled. "I'm your big brother, Triton." Tritom said, tickling Sapphire's chin, making her laugh. Amphitrite watched in amazement and shock. Triton had never liked any of Poseidon's other children. Why Sapphire? She was Poseidon's first daughter. Amphitrite smiled. She knew this girl would be special.

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