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luke groaned as the girl placed her lips against his neck. "no get off." he muttered and she looked offended before running out.

he sighed a sigh or relief. he was happy to be out of that situation. he had never been with a girl and never planned on doing that.

he got out his notebook and wrote down a few more song lyrics. many people didnt know but luke enjoyed singing. he enjoyed playing guitar. he enjoyed writing songs.

luke was stereotyped as a bad type of person. he had tattoos all over his body and piercings. he did drugs and smoked cigarettes. he skipped school.

he didn't care. he knew he was a good person deep down inside but no one had given him a chance and he hated that.

he sighed and put his notebook away placing headphones in. he hummed along to nirvana when suddenly his mom ran in his room.

"luke!" she yelled and he groaned.

"what do you want." he muttered.

"your father just got a new job in a different city not far from here," she said. "pack up. we're moving on monday."

she then stepped out to leave luke to his thoughts. he didn't like this. he would have to go through all the judgmental stares again and all the girls on his dick.

he sighed and stood up looking around his room. they seemed to move every few years and luke hated that. he shrugged his shoulders and opened his window, climbing out and up onto the roof.

he pulled out a blunt and ran his fingers through his hair. he lit it and breathed it in slowly. he hated himself.

he thought about everything that could go wrong. he soon sighed before taking another hit of the blunt.

once he was done he climbed back into his room and got his suitcase. he didn't bother to put it in an attic or storage. he knew they moved a lot.

luke's father was always getting new jobs and new opportunities. he hated having to go to new schools everytime but he had no choice. not until he was 18 and could move out.

he smiled at the thought. he could do whatever he wanted. find himself a boy-

his thoughts stopped there. he closed his eyes tightly at what he had just been thinking of. he couldn't like boys. his parents would never let him have a boyfriend. he would be bullied. he couldn't.

he nodded to himself. he had been unsure of how he felt about boys for awhile. but he shrugged it off. he started packing his black skinny jeans and black band shirts into his suitcase.

he climbed back up to the roof to get his weed and cigarettes, putting them in there as well. he got the rest of his stuff and left his notebook out on the bed. he quickly. got a cigarette out

he walked down to the kitchen and to the fridge grabbing a beer and walked out the front door. he had a special place. it was a lakehouse that had been abandoned.

on the way there he lit his cigarette and took in big huffs.

basically luke got drunk out of his mind and wondered what he did to be such a fuck up.

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