Chapter 4

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It wasn't really busy at the airport, there were only a few people wandering around. I didn't have to check in any luggage, since my backpack was all I had. I decided to walk around a bit to see what the airport looked like, when the speaker started playing, "All passengers for flight 789 to Toronto, please proceed to gate 5." Well there goes my plan for exploring, I slowly walked towards the gate area. I stand in line behind a young woman around her 20s, got my ticket and passport out, and waited for my turn. The line slowly crept forward as some people got a little impatient behind me, but I stayed calm, I had nothing to lose. After 20 minutes or so, it was my turn. I gave my ticket and passport, the lady at the desk gave me a smile as I walk towards the hallway leading to the plane.

It was quite warm in the plane, but it wasn't too uncomfortable. I slumped down in my seat, put on my headphones and some music. I sat next to a businessman who was about 30, and on the other side a older woman who was about 50. The businessman was calling loudly on his phone, going on and on about an order not made properly. I could hear him with my headphones on and got a little irritated, just like the woman next to me, she decided to speak up "Mister? You're being very loud, could you be less loud?" The man didn't hear it at first, but everyone was looking at him, so he hang up on his phone. He looked down embarrased and mumbled something sounding like an apology.

I fell asleep during the first 10 hours of the flight, and was rudely awoken by the intercom from the cockpit. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're having some turbulence, could you please put on your seatbelt", I put on my seatbelt and sat a bit up. The man next to me failed to follow the pilot's instructions, which earned him a nasty glare from the stewardess. The woman was reading a very thick book on psychology, maybe I should read something like that too. The woman noticed me staring at the book, "Why are you staring at my book?" She looksn at me confused, "Oh I'm sorry madam, I didn't mean to interrupt." "It's alright, I didn't think someone your age wouldn't be interested in a book like this." I think about what she said, she's somewhat right, you shouldn't even know about this subject at my age.

I turn away from the woman, the man next to me is now in a deep slumber. I sigh and put on my headphones again, and doze off to sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to people standing up from their seats, we already landed I guess. I put my headphones in my backpack and swing it on my bag, then standing up. I notice I'm one of the last people in the plane, probably because I was sleeping earlier. I walk towards the exit and say the crew goodbye, walking down the hallway that stretched from the plane to the airport. This airport was far bigger than the one back home, I scan my surroundings and wander off towards the food plaza. I was starving, I needed some food or I would probably faint. I see a Burger King stand and decide a burger would be nice, I walk up to the counter. "Hello, what would you like to order?" I look at the menu for a while, then order a whopper with cola and fries. I sit down in a booth closeby and enjoy my food.

I realise I don't have anywhere to go to, I don't know anyone here. I walk up to an info-counter, "Hello, are there any cheap hotels nearby?" I figure this was my only option for now. "Sweety, how old are you?" "Sixteen" she looks at me a little confused. "Are you all alone here? Can you maybe call your parents?" I started panicking, I can't, I ran away. "Nevermind, I can find one myself" I walked towards the exit of the airport. When I arrived at the exit I saw a lot of cars and cabs standing by the road, should I ask for a ride? Or should I take a cab? I look in my wallet to see how much money I have, 500 dollars. Not much, cab probably costs around 50. Well then, I can walk or ask a ride from some random person, I decide on the second option. I walk towards a black BMW and see a man in a navy suit, I gather my courage and walk towards him, "Excuse me sir, can I ask some....." We stare at each other, he's really handsome, he looks me in the eyes and then at my lips. What is this man thinking?


Ooohh it's turning into a love story :3 I decided on this last minute, so don't hate me :3 Love you guys!! And it's almost my birthday :D 8th of July to be exact// Thank you for reading my story!

Whimsical DepressionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora