Chapter 4

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who's ready for the next chapter of lock-down? anybody? well ok here it is! enjoy! try not to get too scared ;) lol and does anyone want to help me make the decision on whether or not some of the characters die? like i don't want to do that but i just don't think it'd be a scary movie if there wasn't any drama, you know

Rocky and I trudge back up to the first level of the prison where everyone is waiting.

“Guys what happened, did you find help?” Rydel asks, hysterical.

“Uh, not exactly.” I reply.

“Why, what happened?” she asks.

“We're locked in.” Rocky explains.

“LOCKED IN! This is just great, I TOLD you guys coming her was a bad Idea!” Rydel whined, sinking down onto the bed.

She screams and stands back up.

“What?” I ask, legitimately getting worried now.

“I-I thought I heard a voice, I-I think something touched me!” she exclaims.

“Rydel don't be silly, you're the only one in there.” Riker replies, trying to calm her down.

“O-ok, well, let's not panic, here, I have my cell phone, I'll just call for help.” Laura adds, pulling out her phone.

“Ugh, no service!” she exclaims, closing her flip phone and putting it back in her back pocket.

“That dinosaur not having any service? Shocker!” I exclaim, pulling out my cell phone.

I sigh.

“Dead battery.” I explain.

Everyone else pulls out their phones, they're either “dead” or have no service.

Rydel lets out a cry.

“I TOLD you guys, I told you guys this was a bad idea, we should've just stayed home!” she exclaims, tears rolling down her cheeks as she leans her head against the bars of the cell she was trapped in.

“I don't like this, I don't like this at all.” she adds with a shaky breath.

“Don’t worry Rydel, we're gonna get you out of there.” Ratliff tries to sooth her, rubbing her shoulder through the bars.

Suddenly a chill runs through the place.

Laura shivers.

“Uh, is it just me, or did it get really cold in here all of a sudden?” she asks.

“No no, I feel it too.” Ratliff says.

He passes his cardigan to Rydel through the bars.

“Thanks Ell.” she says with a sniff, pulling his sweater over her shoulders.

I take off my jacket, handing it to Laura.

“Here.” I say, slipping it over her arms.

“Aw, thanks Ross.” she replies.

“Ratliff, stay with Rydel, me and the others will try to find something to get you out of there, or we'll try to find another exit.” I say.

“Well wait, hand us some snacks and a couple water bottles from the backpack!” Rydel replies.

“Ok, here, there's, a package of fruit snacks and two granola bars for both of you.” I reply, pulling the snacks out of the backpack, handing them two bottles of water as well.

“Here, take this spare flashlight too.” I add as I hand them the smaller flashlight.

“Be careful guys!” Rydel warns.

“This book lists a lot of haunted places in this prison.” she adds.

“We'll be careful.” I reply with a roll of my eyes.

“Ok gang, let's move!” Riker exclaims, turning the flashlight back on, we go downstairs, passing through the doors in the back which lead to another hallway.

“Well, have you gotten your share of thrillers for one day?” Laura asks sarcastically.

“Hey, I didn't know Rydel was gonna get locked in the cell!” I exclaim in defense.

“GUYS! Chill out ok, we're gonna find a way out of here.” Riker exclaims.

“Do you guys really think this place is haunted though?” Rocky asks.

“Gee Rocky, I don't know, when was the last time you got locked into a prison cell and heard voices?” Laura asks sarcastically.

“Ok, first of all, Rydel has an overactive imagination, she probably never heard the voice to begin with, and second, this prison is over sixty years old, the lock probably just got stuck.” Rocky replies, trying to find a logical explanation for the things that had happened.

“That doesn't exactly explain why the entrance doors slammed shut when it's not windy out or anything, OR why they locked on us, they don't even have locks on them.” I reply.

“I'm beginning to think Rydel was right, maybe this place is haunted.” I add.

“Guys shush! Do you hear that?” Riker asks.

We get quiet as we try to listen to what he hears.

Suddenly I hear what sounds like men yelling and gun shots going off, there were more screams and yelling and then it ended.

“What...was that?” Laura asks.

“R-Riker, how many prisoners did Rydel say died in that raid?” I ask.

“Over a hundred.” Riker replies.

“I think we just heard them.” I reply.

“Let's just keep moving, maybe there's an exit somewhere.” Riker says.

We keep walking down the hallway, coming to a door with a broken sign.

“What does it say?” I ask.

“I don't know, the only words available are c-t-o-n a space and then r-o-o-m.” he replies.

I swallow nervously.

“Y-you don't suppose it's the execution room do you?” I ask, chills running down my spine again.

“I'm not going in there.” Rocky says.

“You two are starting to sound like Rydel, we have to go through this room, maybe there's an exit somewhere.” Riker replies.

“I have to agree with them, haunted or not an execution room isn't something I’m too comfortable passing through.” Laura agrees.

“Guys come on, if we don't find an exit we'll just come back out and go through another door.” Riker replies.

“Ok, let's just make this quick.” Laura replies.

Riker gives the door a tug, the door opens with ease.

We go into the room cautiously.

“Whoa look! It's an electric chair!” Rocky exclaims excitedly.

“That's so scary!” Laura exclaims.

“I have to agree with one of the girls for once, this is creepy let's just try to find an exit and get out of here!” I exclaim.

“Come on Ross, this was your idea, REMEMBER?” Rocky asks sarcastically.

“Yea, yea don't rub it in my face.” I reply.

“Whoa, um, guys did you see that?” Laura asks, tightening her grip on my arm.

“what?” I ask.

But in a few short seconds I see it too, an orb of what looks like a clear bright bulb of light passes through the room and is gone as quick as it came, the chill in the air increases.

“You don't think that was a you?” Laura asks.

Suddenly the door we'd just come through slams shut with a bang.

“GO AWAY!” a menacing voice rings throughout the room.

Lock-downOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora