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030Geekieness whai must you do this to me T^T

Nah it's fine, I'm just too lazy

Ok, so 030Geekieness asked me these questions:

1. What is your favorite animal?
Ugh I like so many different animals but I like sharks and manatees the best I guess idk I luv animals T^T

2. What is your creative talent 1-10?
I'm gonna guess that means how good are you at art, so Ima have to say... hmmm.... -12

3. What's your favorite show?
Erm.. Does anime count? Do cartoons count? Cause if not my favorite T.V. shows are paranormal shizz like Dead Files and The Haunted Collector.

4. Siblings?
I've probably said this before, but I'm the oldest of 3 children. I have a little bro and sis.

5. Favorite outfit?
Oooh that's a good question.. Right now it's probably my grey Nirvana shirt w/ a light blue flannel over it and black jeans w/ rips in the knees and my maroon converse (or my all black converse) yeet

6. Favorite song?
Holy crap I like so many frickin songsssss..... I like Alphabet Boy and Soap by Melanie Martinez, Not Today and Screen by TØP, and Pennyroyal Tea and Dumb by Nirvana... bUT THERE'S SO MANY MORE UGHH

7. Best meme?
Isn't there only one that matters?

 Best meme?          Isn't there only one that matters?

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8. Do you collect stuff? If so, what?
I like collecting rocks and minerals. Also shells that I find at the beach. If you people want pictures, I can show you xD

9. Favorite video game?
Pokemon Y or Halo 4

10. Do you have a lucky number?

11. What's your dream job?
Honestly, I don't know. It would be awesome to be a famous artist, or a famous author. But what would really be cool if I was in a semi-famous band.

12. Favorite thing in your room?
I'm sorry, art supplies, but I'm gonna have to say my violin or the guitar

13. What emoji are you?
👽 or 😲 I'm not quite sure

And now for my questions!!! 😈😈😈

1. What do you use as an outlet for stress?

2. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Why?

3. Sweaters or t-shirts?

4. What's your favorite candy bar?

5. Do you play any instruments or sing?

6. Do you have a secret talent? What is it, if so?

7. What's your favorite social media app?

8. Do you have socks on right now?

9. Biggest fear?

10. What's your zodiac sign?

11. What's your favorite cartoon? (Anime doesn't count, sorry XD)

12. Asuna or Kirito?

13. What's your favorite thing about your art style? (If you draw)

I tag:

Have fun 😘

~ Cucumber-Chan

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