Chapter 3: A Stryker's Wrath

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^ Nine ^


"Now, this is your last warning. Get the hell off my land." He snarled, anger darkening his grey eyes. Then his nostrils flared, his eyes flashing to the green one's of his coyote, telling me he too has discovered that we are infact mates. I expected him to tell his men to put down their weapons -it was a smart plan by the way, having his men circle around and surround us, I must admit my mate is crafty- but that's beside the point.

When I made no move to leave my mate, he growled. "Are you deaf? I said. Leave!" My wolf growled, not pleased by how our mate was acting, and he made it known. "We don't plan on leaving anytime soon, mate." He clenched his teeth so hard a tick started to form in his jaw.

He reached behind his back and pulled out a pistol before aiming at me, "I won't say it again. Get off my land!" I stood my ground, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance, if my little mate really thinks he can scare me off with a gun then he is sadly mistaken. I highly doubt he would pull the trigger, after all what reason did I give him to shoot me?

Me and my men trespassed, sure, but that doesn't justify a shooting does it? We are mates after all, did he really think I would just walk away? When I made no move to leave he shrugged, "Have it your way then." He said in a bored tone, before firing.

A white hot pain shot through my knee and flared through my leg. I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes as I screamed out. The pain was so intense my vision started to blur with tears, he actually shot me! Logan was in my face, looking frightened, of course it was hard to tell, his face was nothing but a blur now.

"Cedric. Cedric. Cedric." His voice echoed in my ears, like he was yelling into a tunnel. "He. . . . shot. . me." I gritted out, still in shock. Then black dots clouded my blurred vision as unconsciousness found me.


I felt rage course through me, just because this mutt was my mate doesn't change the fact that he came onto my territory, and let's not forget his little buddy's remark about killing us all and taking over the land. No, this wolf thought that just because we were mates I would bow down to him and do every little thing he asked. I could see it in his eyes.

He stood there, looking up at me like he was expecting me to call my men off so we could ride off into the sunset together. Well fuck that and fuck him too. My rage was growing by the minute, and I was nearly shaking to control myself. "Are you deaf? I said. Leave!"

His eyes flashed to his wolf's, his voice deeper than before, "We don't plan on leaving anytime soon, mate." I clenched my teeth together to keep from cursing him to hell and back, a tick formed in my jaw and my teeth ached at the punishment I was putting them through.

I pulled out my Glock that I had hid snug against my back, hidden under my shirt. I aimed the pistol straight at his head. "I won't say it again. Get off my land!" He didn't move, just stood there, looking up at me defiantly while crossing his arms over his chest. The stupid sonofabitch actually thought I wouldn't shoot.

He really did think that he would get his way. Others may bow to him but I will not. He didn't move, just stood there with a stoic expression. I shrugged, "Have it your way then." I said, shooting him in the knee. Blood gushed from his knee as he fell to the ground with a scream. His brown eyes glazed over with tears as his friend ran to his side, "Cedric?!"

Cedric's hand shot out as he gripped onto his friend's shoulder, "He. . . . shot. . me." He said in disbelief and a little sadness. It almost made me feel guilty for shooting him. . . almost. Then his body went lax and he slumped against the ground.

His friend stood and turned to me with a glare, "You shot him!" He accused. I snorted, "I know, I was there. Now take him and go." I ordered, waving the gun at him. With a low growl he and another guy lifted Cedric's unconscious body off the ground and started to carry him.

"Oh, and tell your alpha the next time he sets foot on my territory I'll put a bullet in his head." I warned causing them to pause. Then they continued. I waited until they dissappeared from sight before retreating back into the packhouse. I could hear the pack whispering about me. Warriors telling their mates' about how their alpha shot his own mate in the knee, and their mates' telling there friends.

I shook my head at their behavior, gossiping like a bunch of school girls. And they're talking as if they don't realize that I can hear every word they're saying, these walls aren't soundproof people! Whatever, I don't really care what they have to say on the matter, as long as my so called mate doesn't come around again I'll be fine.

Because as Goddess as my witness there is no way in hell I will be mates with that man. Why might I act this way? Why, when so many couples who have mates claim it's the greatest experience in the world to know the love of a mate?

I stomp off into my room and throw myself onto my bed, Nine instantly jumping up and curling into my side. I rub her ears softly, making her purr loudly, she always did have a weakness for a good ear rub.

Anyway, back to the whole mate thing. I find the whole thing rediculous, I mean really? Just because my coyote tells me that we're mates, I'm just going to play along? Hell no. I've seen the way mated couples act, like a bunch of love struck dopes. They don't seem to care that their free will was stripped away from them.

They say 'a mate makes you stronger by completing you', what a bunch of bull. A mate makes you weaker. A mate is just a distraction. My pack comes first with me, always have, always will and I don't need some werewolf alpha getting in my way.

I'm not too keen on werewolves either. They think just because they are so big and strong that they can take anything they want, that they can control whoever they please. Just like my mate, I scoffed, he actually thought I would go running into his arms. Well I'm not one of his subordinates that he can order around.

He thinks he can control me, well he has another thing coming.

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