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"Um... it's my week with you." I answered.

I heard him cussing under his breath. "It is? I'm so sorry I forgot." He said. I walked back outside and sat there. How could my father forget?

I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"I thought you told Dad?'

" I did."

"He said he didn't know."

"I told him. I gotta go honey. Bye." And with that she hung up.

At that moment a Ferrari pulled up with three kids, one girl two boys, they looked like triplets.

"You must be Skylar. Ken's daughter?" The girl said.

"Um... yeah."

"I'm Jane, this is my brother Trever, and my other brother Tyler. We are triplets "

"Cool." I said just as my phone buzzed. I looked at the contact and bad boy came across the screen.

"Hey, Ace." I said answering.

"Hey, babe. You doing anything today?"

"I'm at my dad's."

"Oh. Why do you sound upset?"

"He forgot I was coming today."

"What a father."


"Well I'll see you when you get back. Love you."

"Um... yeah. Love you to." I said and hung up.

Did he just say love you.

I Think I Like The Bad Boy {2}Where stories live. Discover now