Marth the Mommy

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Marth had been feeling strange for the past few days. He finally decided to pay a visit to Doctor Mario. The news he received wasn't what he expected.

"You joking...right?"

"I'm-a sorry Marth. But-a that's what the-a tests suggest."

"Nu-uh! No way is this possible! I'm going to sit here until I wake up from this nightmare."

"That's not-a gonna happen Marth." The doctor said scribbling something onto his clipboard as Ike burst through the door.

"THERE YOU ARE! I've been looking for you since I finished my brawl. Why are you here? Not feeling well?" Ike asked tilting his head confused.

"Ike...I'm...pregnant..." Marth mumbled receiving a shocked look from Ike in return.

"You're WHAT!?!" He shouted startling the doctor a little.

"I know that was my reaction to. We're just going to have to stay calm and figure out what we're going to do when the time comes" Marth smiled giving his lover a peck on the cheek.

Ike sighed, "Alright... But just remember. I DON'T do diapers." Ike said embracing Marth.

"You will if I say you do." Marth said glaring at Ike.

You love me.

6 months later 8:36 PM

Marth and Ike were cuddled in bed watching a movie when Marth spoke. "Ike...What should we name it?" He asked turning to look at Ike better.

"Hmmm...Tough question...If it's a girl then...Jenna. And if it's a boy then you can pick cuz I'll probably end up naming it Chicken Drumstick." Ike said with a small smile.

"If it's a boy I wanna name it Alexander or James." Marth said turning back to the movie.

"Whatever makes you happy..." Ike said holding Marth tighter.

I'm a miracle.


"IKE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Marth screamed as he was escorted to the infirmary.

"M-Marth c-calm down. Your just s-stressed is all." Ike stuttered as he ran along side Marth who was being pushed in a wheelchair.

Marth grabbed the front of Ike's shirt causing Doctor Mario to stop. "You really think I'm stressed? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID?" Marth screamed releasing Ike leaving him standing there. An hour later Ike was standing next to Marth and their newborn son. "Alexander Lee Greil... I like it." Marth muttered as he watched his son sleep.

"See? Now was that so hard?" Ike said and then wished he hadn't said anything.

"What? DO I REALLY HAVE TO BEAT YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW?" Marth hissed. Doctor Mario came in and took Alex away to do whatever it is Doctors do to newborn children. Ike went back up to the room and anxiously waited for his new family to return.

You'll always want me.

Five years after birth 2:15 AM


"Your turn to get up" Marth said blandly rolling away from Ike. Ike mumbled something about having a good dream about dancing bacon and got up. He opened the door to see Alex sitting up in bed bawling.

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