First date

16 4 1

My legs were sore from walking around town with my friend, Carl. I literally just stepped in the house when i had messages buzzing through from a group chat i was involved in. 'Can someone meet me in town?' That message came from Alex and my heart skipped a beat- I had an opportunity to meet him on his own.
"Mum, if dad askes, i haven't come home yet okay" and i quickly sped walked to town.
i was sat down on large statue that was placed in the centre of town- my heart beating anxiously. I heard a shuffle next to me and turned to see Alex with his back to me, checking his phone. Clearly he hadn't seen me yet. I took this opportunity to notice how he looked. He was tall, skinny but muscular. His hair was messy, but to me it was a cute messy. i Noticed he was wearing a batman shirt and chuckled because i was wearing a Marvel shirt. "Traitor" i said and he quickly turned round, showing me his handsome smirk.
We walked towards the entrance of the fair and was taken aback by how energetic the worker was. When me and Alex walked through we burst into a fit of giggles. "I wish i was that energetic" i commented and he smiled. "Anyway, which ride?" he asked.
" Well you've never really been on a ride so let's go on the swings." We went up to the ride and took our seats.
The ride began playing heavy,climatic music, only for us to slowly go in the air.
Me and Alex giggled and he lookes at me "How anti-climatic" he commented. I nodded along to show my agreement. The ride started and at some point i noticed a white girl with ginger hair stood with black parents. "Clearly adopted" i pointed out and Alex laughed. "Yup" His laugh was absoultely amazing...
At that moment i realised my shoe was slipping off.
"ermm my shoe is slipping off" i said and he looked at it.
"Make sure it hits someone then"
" Like the ginger kid?" i commented and it made him laugh.
It didn't hit me until i got home that i was on a date. Idiotic right? But these past couple days i have done nothing but speak to Alex. I have never laughed or smiled this much before...and that's when i realised i was falling for him...after 3 days. My mood went low, there is no way he would like me back. He was so perfect and i was so...imperfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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