new people

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Hope you guys enjoy! ;) please excuse lots of errors!! i need to edit all of my chapters so dont worry if this one itsnt that good, just dont hate me. well dont want to keep you all waiting so bye! (:


I was vehemently awoken by a pair of shaky hands. My eyes blinked a few times from my vexed sleep. Something didn't seem right. was my first thought as i tried to sit up but then tremendously failed at my attempt. My eye sight was acute and very clear.

I felt electrifying pain shoot throughout my arm. It felt as if bolts of lighting struck it repediatly.

I look over to my arm and i no longer am seeing enormous amounts of dark red blood pumping out of my deep, wounded arm. Instead i see wires that were attached deeply into my skin, as well as a scaptual. My wound was wider now then how it was before.

" Awh look whos awake. " i rolled my eyes from the sound of the mocking voice from the other side of the room.

" W-why are you doing this..t-to me?" I stutter from fear, i no longer try to pretend I'm not scared, because the truth is, Im terrified!

" You should have listened to me my dear, and you would be perfectly fine with the others. " i said with a wave of his hand.

Others! there where more people here in the hell hole?! I have to get to them.

I lay there thinking this as he makes his way back.

" Now deary, will u listen? because i would hate to ruin that pretty little face of yours. " i flinched as he touched my check.

NOT HURT MY FACE? WAS THAT ALL THAT HE WAS WORRIED ABOUT? IT'S ALREADY BAD ENOUGH THAT MY FACE IS BRUISED UP AND MY ARM LOOKS LIKE IT HAS A CRATER!! AND TRUST ME, IT DOESNT FEEL THAT GOOD EITHER! it took all my will power to not scream those words at him, to not spit him in his face as he softly petted my now bruising cheek.

" Once where done here you can join the others. " he said as he slowly walked over to my arm that was strapped down. I tried to move it away from him, but i couldn't even lift my arm from the straps.

" Oh don't worry i made sure that u don't miss any of this. " he grinned as his fingers walked across my arm in slow motion, making their way to the scaptual that was sticking upwards from my arm. He gripped it tightly and looked at me.

" One....two... " he counted down and smiled with joy as i shook my head no and started to cry.

"Please, please leave me alone i just want to go home! " tears were flowing down my face and started to soak my blood stained shirt.

" Three! " and with that he pulled out the scaptual and i screamed. My screams shook the only light bulb that hung from the celling.

" Now that wasn't that bad, now lets patch you up and take you to see the others. " i stopped screaming as i saw him lick my blood off the sharp knife.

My screams were replaced by a sicking feeling in my stomach.

I think I'm going to be sick.

He lays the sharp blade onto the counter near by and picks up a sewing needle and some tred.

" Now this is going to hurt a lot but it will seem like nothing compared to what happened to your arm over there." he gestured his head to my arm.

He sits down and brings the needle to my arm, sticking it through my skin, he weaves in and out, in and out. until there is no more parts of my arm that needed attention. He stands up and places the items into the counter.

" Good girl, are you excited to meet your new room mates?" he says to me soothingly as he undid my buckled arm. Quickly i cradle my patched arm and sit up.

" Now come on my princess, lets go meet your new friends. " he holds out his hand to me for me to grab it. I do, afraid of the consequences if i didn't listen.

" Now you're learning. " he says with a smerk.

" Before we go I'm just going to tie this around your head so you can't see where exactly where we are going, oh and don't try to memorize left from right on our way there because I'm making sure that you will loose count."

I didn't refuse. I just nodded my head and let him tie the handkerchief around my face. He picked me up and through me over his shoulder. He lifted me as if i weighed less then a rag doll.

Without saying a word we made our way thought the never ending halls.

We reached a room and he put me down on my feet, and he un did the blind fold.

" Welcome to the nice room. Where everything is the opposite! " he opens the door and pushes me in. Locking the door behind him, he turns back around and there are more rooms to choose from. It seems like the room we are in now is a living room.

" This here is the lounging room, where you only have an hour a day to come in. And there to your right is going to be your room." He said as he moved me along to the bedroom door.

At lease i get my own room.

He opens the door, and there all on the floor are 13 kids all either asleep or sitting up. Some of them look up to me and tried to smile but couldn't seem to find one. The man shoved me in the room and locked the door behind him and walks away.

"Hey! let me out! " i scream until my voice is hoarse. I slump down the door and look at my new surroundings.

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