When he noticed

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Dan and Phil had been friends since they were 5 years old they were very different but they were best friends nonetheless, like the Sun and Moon Phil's Mum had said.
It was only in year 7 that he noticed.
Phil and Dan were about to walk home from their first day at secondary school when Dan realised. Phil was already halfway up the path with Chris, one of the popular kids. It wasn't because Phil had abandoned him, it was the fact that they had been waiting all day to walk home together.
The next day Dan planned to confront him. But he couldn't. By the next day, Phil was surrounded by girls and boys alike. He finally caught him alone during history.
"Phil?" He didn't turn to face Dan "Phil listen to me."
"Go away"
"Why should I? You seem to have replaced me anyway!" Even Dan was shocked at his sudden outburst. Phil sensed the hurt in Dans voice  and turned around.
" It's not my fault you're a complete nerd!" Phil said with a smirk as he turned to Chris, who he now sat next to, and gave him a high five.
This wasn't the Phil Dan had been best friends with, this was a narsasistic jerk.

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