night club

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As I listen intently, I can hear him next to me in the darkness. His breathing was raspy and laboured. Its not total darkness mind you, there is some light from the street lamp outside the window. It's casting blue shadows accross his face and figure. I close my eyes, as his arm stretches out to pull me close. I can feel his gaze upon me again, as it was earlier tonight.

Those eyes, the ones I felt lock on to me as I entered the bar. I had no idea why I had such a feeling I was being watched, but I just knew. I checked my coat and followed my friends to an open table. All the while scanning the room to find out who was so interested in me. As I was about to give up and say that I was just being silly, a man accross the room moved slightly to the left, and there, sitting at a table with a beer in hand were the bluest of blue eyes I had seen. I quickly turned away as to not let him know I had spotted him. It had been some time since I was in a bar, and never had I spotted someone I was remotely attracted to. I was ready to just brush off the foolishness of thinking he was interested in me, when one of my friends pointed out someone who was watching our table with great interest. As I was the only one without a significant other, she assumed he was looking at me. I just laughed and ordered my drink.

After some time of meaningless conversations about the day, I glanced over in his direction just to satisfy my curiousity. Lo and behold he was still there, with the peircing blue eyes and a smirk on his face. I took a moment to study him and take in some of his features so that I could at least have a decent dream later when I got home. His face was soft, yet very rustic in feature. His hair was dark, and he kept it at a longer length than most guys, enough to grab a hold of, if permitted. I couldn't really see his figure as he was sitting at a table, but I could see his shoulders were broad and strong looking. Definitely someone I could be interested in, if his personality was right. I turned away after that thought, as I already knew it was something I could only think about, as he would never be interested in me.

The music started to get better, and my girlfriends and I move out onto the dance floor. I have never thought of myself as a great dancer, but once the music starts, I just let my body take control. I get lost in my own little world and just move, back and forth, swinging hips, arms and even my hair.
After a couple of songs, we had ended up on the other side of the floor and I glanced up to see where we were. Not two feet away from me was the stranger who was still watching me. I stopped cold mid dance. He smiled a bit more and shifted in his chair, and then waved his hand as to say, please continue. I waited a few moments before moving, contemplating running away, but then I thought maybe this could be fun. Dancing always takes away my inhibitor, so I knew I wasn't thinking completly straight. But, as a new rhythm started up, I couldn't help but start to move again, and I forgo any more thought to the situation, and just let it happen. I started to move my hips slowly, first to the left and then to the right, my hands up around my neck carressing my hair, and then letting them fall down to my sides. His face changed from amusement to something I had never seen before. I couldn't quite put a word to it, but I knew he was enjoying watching me. I let the music take me to my other place, and let him soak in all he wanted.

After a few more songs, the music changed to slow ones. It was nearing the end of the night, and I was starting to get tired. I began to walk towards my friends, who for some time had left me alone on the dance floor, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Excuse me Goddess" I heard. Almost laughed outloud, but when I turned around I saw him face to face. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, just one time?" I was speachless. Me the one that always has something to say, who can babble on for hours and hours, I was speachless. All I could do to respond was nod my head. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Close enough to feel him stick out from his jeans. His other arm gently held my head, his fingers intertwined in my hair. We began to dance. He set the pace and the movement, and I just starred into his eyes and tried to just feel. A grind here, a bump there, and before I knew it he moved in and kissed me.

For the next few hours, all I could feel where his kisses on me. My neck, my ears, my lips. I was drinking in his scent and his taste. The softness of his tongue inside my mouth, and the sensations running througout my body. Somehow we ended up at a this hotel room. I'm still fuzzy on that part. But what happened next was something I'll never forget. He was for sure a gentleman, as he always asked if it was okay to do what he was doing. It was shocking, but very pleasant at the same time.

He began to trail his kisses down towards my chest. Somehow my shirt had already been removed, but my black bra had still remaind. I arched up a bit, to allow acces to the hooks on the back, and he took it off. For a moment he just stared. I began to worry, I always knew I wasn't beautiful, and what if I have now turned him off. And just as I was about to move, he dived in to suck on my left nipple. He licked it and niped at it, and then tried to suck on the whole breast at once, not quite succeeding as my breasts are a bit big for ones mouth. But oh did it feel good. He reached up with his left hand and pinched my right nipple. Then fondled the breast a bit, as he stucked in my left nipple again. The sensations I was feeling were unexplainable. No one had ever done this to me before, and I never wanted it to stop. He then proceeded to duplicate the ritual with the left breast now, and I couldn't help but arch up.

Just as I was starting to really get into it, he stopped his odessey of my breasts, and began his pursuit of something else. I could feel him gently kiss down my stomach to my navel, and then he stuck in his warm, moist tongue. Then he retracted it with a small suck sound on my belly button, and continuted southwards. He unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled them and my panties off in one swift movement. There I was, buck naked in the evening night. I was a bit scared at how he was going to react, and he just nelt there for a while. Then I felt his hand on my thigh. The warth of it started to burn on my cold skin, as if to leave a mark. Then he repaced his hand with his mouth. Nips and licks and kisses up and down my left thigh..then my right, inching closer and closer to my pussy each time, but never quite reaching it. His hands moved up to my hips and started to massage a bit while he continued his onslaught to my thighs. I was starting to breathe very heavy, and began to rub my own breasts to increase the pleasure. I could only hope what he would do next, but wasn't quite expecting what he actually did!

Deeny out❤😙

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