~ concerned ~

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* This might be a long story *

It was the first night after you and your crew left punk hazard along with Trafalgar Law the captain of the heart pirates. Everyone just got done eating some snacks in the kitchen and was getting ready for bed. But not you. You just didn't feel tired. You liked being alone and having your moments of peace and quiet. You were reading a book out on the deck of the Sunny until everyone was asleep.

When everything settled down you closed your book, stood up and stretched with your arms so high up that your shirt lifted and you could see your stomach. When you open your eyes you see the sky slowly fill up with sparkling dots as the sun was setting. You originally planed on sleeping but it was so calming to be outside. So you decided to procrastinate a little longer. you sit on the grass of the Sunny and closed your eyes. You let out a quiet but relaxed sigh as you felt the breeze go threw your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

After a long while you lost track of how long you were out there. "Just a little longer" you think to yourself. You sat quietly just thinking about the random things that came to mind. Soon the thinking lead to thinking about your past and the things you have seen before joining the straw hats.

The flash back images of the dead bodies and the traumatized people made you flinch your eyes open You hug your knees trying to forget about it and only think about how you have friends who saved you from that hell you were once living and that there is nothing to worry about anymore. But you couldn't. Soon you felt tears slowly run down your face. " why?" You said with your voice muffled because you had your head down in your arms on your knees. "Why was I too scared to save them? I wish I died instead of them!" You said with the thought of your mother and father stuck in your head.

You never liked to show your feelings even to yourself, so the crying only made you feel mad and annoyed at yourself. "Stupid. Your so stupid. How are you even alive?" You say to yourself. "Stop thinking!" You say as you put your hands in your (h/c) hair and clench it as hard as you can. Little did you remember that Trafalgar was resting against the wall of the ship only a few feet away from the steps.

"Idiot" you kept insulting your self until you got a feeling someone was watching. "No , its just me feeling insecure of my feelings" you tried to convince your self. You quickly wipe away your tears and force yourself to get over it even though you still had a strong feeling of sadness in you. Dealing with your feelings has worn you out. And you decide to go to bed.

*the next morning*

You wake to see nobody around but you can hear everyone in the kitchen. You get up brush your hair and put it in a ponytail and walk out. you opened the door to the kitchen for a brief second everyone quiets down to see who's there. "Oi! (Name) your awake!" Says luffy with a big cute smile on his face which caused you to smile with everyone else's "morning (name)" says Zoro with a mouth full of his breakfast. Sanji punches him the back of his head "THATS GROSS YOU DAMN MOSS HEAD!" Sanji snarled. "got a good night sleep I see" Robin chuckles with her eyes closed and smiling. "Yeah" you say smiling back.

" Oh (name) -chwaaann I have your breakfast made for you!" Sanji dances over to you with hearts flying around him. "thanks sanji" you said with a smile as you pat his head. Sanji passes out with is eyes shaped as hearts. "That kinky cook what a dumbass!" Zoro says trying to start something with him. "HEEEEH??!! What did you say you damn moss head?!" Sanji yells across the room with his hands in a fist.

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