Tag 2

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•Up to 13 questions
•Tag 13 people
•Mandatory (you have to do it)
•You make up the next set of questions.

~Questions I got asked~

What kind of candies do you like?
-Skittles, Twizzlers, M&M's, Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat & Take 5
Favorite activities?
-Drawing, Writing, & Reading
Are you an otaku?
What kind of anime do you like?
-Attack on Titans, Hetalia, & Corpse Party
What kind of books do you like?
-Fiction, Nonfiction, & Science Fiction
What do you do when you're bored?
-Read, Write, Draw, or act weird
Describe yourself in one word.
Do you like manga?
Name someone from Bleach.
-Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Name three fandoms you're in (if you're in more than one).
-Creepypasta, Undertale, & Avengers
Why do you like the fandom that your in so much?
-One of my OCs is a creepypasta and she is bad ass so ya.  I love the Undertale game and Avengers movies.
Favorite color?
How many siblings?
-0 but I have an older half sister.
~People I tag~


~My Questions to You~

-What is your favorite color?
-Undertale or nah?
-Creepypasta or Anime?
-Do you like lemons/smut?
-What is your OTP?
-Who is your favorite band/artist?
-What is your favorite fandom?
-Where is your favorite place to be?
-Who is your favorite character? (Book,Movie, etc.)
-Pewdiecry or Cinnamon toast pie?
-Taco Bell or Chick-fil-a ?
-Describe your best OC.
-What's your Snapchat name?

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