Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I opened my eyes to see the bright blue sky. I groaned and realized I was laying down. "My body hurts so much..." I breathed. Realization hit me; I had just travelled through the portal that the gypsy had with Jasmen and Clary.

I sat up, scanning my surroundings. Instanly, I noticed that Jasmen was a yard away from my feet. The mundane was arguing with Gayce thirty feet away. When did he fall through? Nudging Jasmen with the end of my foot, she groaned.

She was laying on her back; the impact of the fall must of at least bruised her. I also had landed on my back, but it didn't hurt that much. "Jasmen, get up!" I hissed quietly enough to not reveal her real name to the others. Her head turned to face me, anger in her eyes. 

"Why did you make us fall?!" she growled. 

"I didn't! You grabbed onto me when you were falling!" I exclaimed.

"I might've, but the mundie grabbed onto my shoulder first!"

"Well, don't blame me then. Blame the little girl!"

"I will and I am, but why didn't you stop us from falling? We could've died from the fall!"

"It wasn't that much of a fall. It was more like tripping. But still, I lost my balance because you scared me!" 

"Learn to stop being scared then!"

"I can't!"

"Well then, be a better Vampire!"

"Shut up!" I screamed at her. My face was red and tears of anger formed in my eyes. I stood up, getting ready to break all of her bones. Before she could stand up, I kicked her in the side but not as hard as I expected to. I heard nothing break in her body; no ribs, no spine, no nothing.

She smirked and stood up, brushing her clothes off. "You're barely even strong enough to hurt a demon. Why would you think that you can hurt me?" I clenched my fists and aimed for her face. 

"I said, shu-" I stopped talking and lowered my fists when Jasmen stopped staring at me. She was looking at something behind me. "What is it?" I raised an eyebrow. 

She motioned for me to turn around, a glint of enjoyment still in her eyes. I turned, staring a small grey row house, next to many more houses that looked almost the exact same. 

"This is Luke's house." I heard the mundane say. A sign blew with the breeze and Gayce walked up to it. 

"Garroway Books. Fine Used, New, and Out-of-Print. Closed Saturdays," he read from the blocklettered words that were on the sign. 

"Wow." I walked to the door where a heavy padlock was on the door. I stepped on mail that was scattered along the doormat below my feet. Sighing, I stepped off the mail, organized it, and set it down next to the door. 

"He lives in a bookstore?" I heard Gayce ask behind me.

"He lives behind the store." The redhead corrected him.

"Please give a round of applause for the Idiot of the Day," Jasmen said, clapping slowly. I heard the girl giggle quietly and Gayce grunting in anger. I was too angry to laugh, so I just walked into the middle of the street. 

I looked around to capture my surroundings. There was a bridge on the side of the empty street along with a deserted sugar factory on the other side. Skyscrapers from lower Manhattan were lined gold by the sun setting behind them. I blocked out all sounds so I didn't have to put up with anymore fighting. Turning around, the other three were climbing the fence into the man called Luke's backyard. 

The Shadowhunter Named Penelope [Slow Updates] [Might be Re-Written]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ