Chapter 18: Looking back and ahead

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2 days later

Gardenia was bursting with life, the discovery of fairies was changing the world. It changed not only the minds of scientists but also historians and archeologists. Of course the winx were held in high regard as they were the first ones to be seen. In related news, James's status was changing for the better. One by one people began looking at his file and they were amazed. Slowly but surely, many were beginning to revalue James's position and soon enough the whole world knew about it. If he didn't give his life to save them, the dark energies of Obsidian would reach even the earth and they would all be doomed. The part about him changing into a girl made a lot people laugh but it also made every guy jealous. He had what every guy dreamt of and he/she looked mighty fine as a girl.

In addition, James's past caught the attention of many including artists. Right now even as we speak, Marvel and Dark horse comics are fighting to see who would gain the rights to create a comic book about it as the word war caught their attention and after thoroughly reading through James's file they were interested. Still life carried on for the winx and as usual the store was packed. Thankfully night arrived and now the winx could focus on a more important subject.

Love and pet

"Well miss Faragonda couldn't find out more about the white circle or its secrets, but she said that we could" said Bloom.

"Seems like a waste of time if you ask me" said Stella.

"We've got to try, this is the only way we'll find out what happened to the earth fairies" said Bloom.

"Plus we have to do it fast, before the wizards get the circle from us" said Aisha.

Soon all the girls sat in a circle as they stared at the object in front of them.

"With the magic of the believix power, we'll get the answers we're seeking" said Bloom.

"How does it work?" asked Roxy.

"You see Roxy, objects and places have memories. With the spell we're about to perform, we can find them and relive them" said Flora.

"We don't know what we're going to see, are you sure you want to do it?" asked Bloom as she looked at Roxy.

"Remember when Nebula used me to fight against the wizards? At that moment, I understood how much the earth fairies had suffered" said Roxy.

"You're becoming more and more like me. We used to act instinctively but now we know what we want" said Bloom.

"The fairy book said that Nebula was a great warrior and she was the one that first began the war with Ogron and his fairy hunters after they betrayed their master. Whoever taught Ogron and his followers must be feeling guilty for not being able to stop them" said Stella.

"It was James, he was their master. During the fight when James was still with us, Ogron called him his master and a traitor. I don't know what was going on back then but I'll put my faith in my brother. Faith that he was right and not wrong" said Bloom.

The other girls nodded and soon they were all in their believx forms. Next they used their tracix wings to see the past of the white circle. It wasn't long before the image of an island appeared and a lone woman soon appeared as well. Then a tall young man appeared and stood next to the woman.

"Its James...." said Bloom.

"He was there too?" asked Stella.

Soon the woman's voice was heard.

"Here it is, the last white circle. There are many paths to our world but this circle will be the last hope for our fairies to escape from the human world and go back to our world. The isle of Tir Nan Og" said the woman.

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