Chapter One: First Day Of Work

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Standing in the door way I looked around before I walked over to two men and sat inbetween them silently. They both looked at me as I kicked my feet up and pressed them against the wall before I buckled my seat belt and got ready to go.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Silently I inspected my black boots with covered the bottom of my black leggings and half of my shin, I wore a black singlet and an over-sized black leather jacket that was just too comfortable to pass up an oppertunity to wear.

My brown hair was curling down my back in waves and I knew I didn't look the 'Dangerous' type, in fact, I looked innocent and helpless. Just the way I liked it really, I mean, if you were the enemy - would you attack the men in Uniforms first to get rid of the bigger 'threat' or the civilian they're with?


"Who are you?" the guy next to me repeats and I pulled on small slip of paper out and handed it over to the captain and not his second in command. He opens it, before he passed it over to his second of command.

"Welcome to the Enterprise Miss Andrews"

I nodded before I gave him a smile, "Glad to be here Captain"

"My second in command, Spock"


"Hello" he stared at me emotionlessl before I turned back to the wall and stared at my boots as I pretended to be amused by them for a moment while we took off.y

"Captain, I expect your crew to be banned anywhere near where I will be, we don't want an incident on our hands. Lot's of paperwork I can't really be bothered to do again"

He nods, "Sure - by the way, how old are you?" he looked from my face to my chest and I smirked.

"Sorry mate, look's like your out of luck for this one, but if you direct your attention to that red head over there, I'm sure she will fulfill your needs" I nodded to the red head who was licking her lips as she stared at the Captain lustfully - gross, but hey, what can I do about it beside throw her out into space?

In no time we arrived and I got out of there before I looked around at the people who were running about, yelling and trying to get everything in order for their five year trip.

"This way Miss Andrews, by the way, what was your first name again?"

"Call me whatever you want, I don't care" I looked around as Spock and Captain Kirk shared a look.

"What is your name Miss Andrews-" Spock says.

"Melissa Andrews, favourite colour red, favourite animal is an Chameleon, height five foot one, shoe size seven and a half  and my age isn't important" I turned and stared at Spock, who looked to be half human and half Vulcan.

"Is there anything you want to know Spock?"

"No I think I've got what I needed, excuse me Captain" Spock hurried away and soon we were deep down in a deserted part of the ship.

"Through there is where you'll be guarding and i'll send someone down here some point tonight to show you to your room"

"Thank you Captain" I walked through the door and found a desk to the right of the room where it faced the other side of the small room, where the war criminal was kept in his tube. Walking over to the desk I grabbed it and dragged the 'heavy' metal desk to the centre of the room where I dropped down onto the seat and stared at the frozen man, and now it's just a staring game.

* Later *

I continued to look through the old sketch book that was in the top draw of the desk with a pencil, eraser and sharpener. There was two more draws but i'll look through them later.

The name was smudged and I saw detailed drawings of different species that occupied the universe as I stopped on one in shock, slowly I got up and walked over to the tube and held the book up after rubbing the glass.

And there I found an exact match to the face that was drawn in the book, looking down at the sketch book I realized it said "Me".

Okay... so this guy draws?

When the hell did he get out of the tube to draw though - oh yeah, must have been when he was being forced to work for the man. Flicking through the twenty pages that had drawings over them I noticed that four of them were covered in mechanics and things.

"Alright, your a genius and not a bag looking bloke" I walked back over to my desk and dropped down onto the chair and pulled the pencil out, smirking I started to draw the tube he was in, showing his frozen face as I continued to work on the sketch.

Hours after I started I heard a knock and I got up before I opened the door to come face to face with a man in a red shirt.

"Ze Mizz Andrewz?"

"Yes, you are?"

"Pavel Chekov mizz"

"Nice to meet you Chekov" I shook his hand and then I realized how adorable his accent and way of speech was.

"Ze Captain azked me to show you to your room?"

"Yes, just let me check something first" he nodded and I looked around the hallway before I went back in and made sure the alarm was working and then I left, shutting the doors and using the pin code to lock it.

 "Show the way Mister Chekov" he nods and he starts walking down the hallway and I follow him quickly, "So, you're Russian?"


"Say something in Russian" 

He pauses while glancing at me before he shakes his head and continues leading the way to where i'll be sleeping.


"Why not? I don't speak Russian, so I won't know what you're saying"

"It doezn't matt-er, we're out of time" he stopped at a door and points at it, "You room"

"Thank you Pavel, but pretty please say something in Russian, you're too cute not too" his cheeks burned and he shakes his head.

"Good byez mizz Andrewz"

I sighed, pouting at him as I worked my magic, "Okay... night Pavel"

I walked into the my room and closed the door, but when it was half way Pavel stared at me for a moment before he said, "Είσαι πολύ χαριτωμένος" the door closes and I smirked at the closed doors.

Okay, I lied.

Speaking fluent languages like Spanish, Mandarin, English and Russian was one of my many hobbies.

"Thank you" I mused, since Pavel just told me that he thinks I'm cute.

"Looks like I got this gig in the bag" I muttered and turn, face planting into my bed because let's face it, I'm spending the next ten years almost alone and I might as well talk to someone I find adorable.

Sighing I buried my head into my pillow and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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