Ice Cream and Destiny

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                 Here we go. Hank McCoy thought in anxious excitement. Hank was practically a little brother to Charles Xavier, the headmaster of the famous X-school for the gifted, and had lived inside that school since he was eight years old. That's when Charles first found him.

         It was pouring rain, deep dark clouds filled the air creating a atmosphere of nervousness inside of the eight year old boy. Or eight year old beast as most people called him. Two weeks prior Hank had discovered he was a mutant, or more so than he originally anticipated. Hank had always had two hands where his feet should've been but recently he also had blue fur and claws. The other kids used to just make fun of him, now however they attempted to physically wound him out of fear. His own mother wouldn't look him in the face anymore. So Hank ran. With no thought of how he would survive on his own.

             He came down with a nasty cough about three days in and gave up on finding shelter. Of course they say what you truly desire comes to you when you stop looking for it.

          Charles had been on a simple walk when he saw the flash of blue out of the corner of his eye. Walking over he found a wet and shaking little... Well he wasn't quite sure what. The mutant was covered in blue. His fur, his hands, his facial skin; the only things without a bluish tint were the boys clothes and glasses. The boys eyes were a icy blue that made his fur and skin looked like indigo. Looking in the boys eyes Charles realized the skin was rubbed raw. The boys nose ahead a steady drip of blood oozing out. Something was wrong. The boy took notice of him as he approached.

       "Who are you." Hank asked; voice rugged and fearful.

         I am Charles. A voice spoke in Hank's mind, and I am like you; I am a mutant.

        Charles saw the boys face light up with a small grin. "Will you help me!" He eagerly asked. "The other children, well they aren't nice to me at all and mother doesn't seem to even notice I'm gone.....I didn't expect she would." Charles heart cracked as his old scars resurfaced. He knew the pain and mistreatment the boy was going through. He knew the boy probably blamed himself for the cruel behavior others treated him with.

          "Of course you can come with me." He replied helping the boy up. "On one condition" Charles paused taking in the boy's wary face. Smart kid. "You have to tell me your name."

          Hank had smiled before taking Charles' hand. "I'm Hank. Hank McCoy."

            And the rest was history. Hank had grown up in the professor's mansion with plenty of room to run and play. Then when Hank turned 12 Charles turned the mansion into a school for mutant children and it was as if Hank had sleepovers every night.

         Of course not everyone was as found of the new mutant school as Hank. Randolph Lehnsherr, headmaster of the widely regarded Lehnsherr academy for mutant kind, was none to pleased about the opening of another mutant school. He was worried that the new school would steal business and even pose a treat war-wise. So Charles began the treaties. A paper contract both headmasters signed as a way to promise two years of peace and friendly sports matches. Charles and Randolph were as different as two people could be so in order to save the treaty, Charles sent delegates of eighteen and older to handle the signing. This year he had asked Hank to be his delegate and he promised not to fail his brother.

    "Name and purpose?" A women whose hair resembled a pink Ice cream swirl asked in a flat tone.

     "Ummmm.... What?" Hank asked not have fully heard the question since he was too wrapped up in his flashback.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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