A 22nd Birthday To Remember

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This book is not edited the grammar is probably shocking and I apologies for that! please be patient I will upload another chapter tomorrow Thankyou!

I had never really thought about my life as worse of as any other, I cant remember my life as a child all I know is that I was happy well at least I thought I was. Its my 22nd birthday and I have decided to just make it another day. birthdays don't mean much anymore, with no family to celebrate it with I tend to just go to work then home again make a cup of tea and read a book. Simple life that's what I want.

A knock at the door awoke me on this amazing sunny day, the mail had arrived and a package, that's weird I wasn't expecting anything. I sit down at the coffee table sit my hot steaming tea down on the hard wood surface and study the overly large envelope, No return address strange I grab some scissors and carefully open the package and tip it up side down on to my lap, there's a book not just any book a journal with the name Benjamin Broak inscribed on the front of the very old leather bound journal. I took a look through and it was blank all of it was blank not a single letter was written on any page of this journal, all I thought was maybe they had the wrong address thinking on my feet I ran to the phone and rang the mail office they told me they were paid to deliver it to 23 sconce leave the package at the door and leave.

I didn't have time to sit there and wonder what on earth I was going to do with a empty journal a mans empty journal for that matter! I had to get to work.

As I walked through the door of the 1950s style café its awfully odd walking from one style to the other but its a job and I love it here. Alarm bells rang in my head not seeing anyone so I walked over to the counter and everyone jumped yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE I almost had a heart attack.

Work went well the 8 hours swam by and I was on my way home, walking up the steps all I could think about was the journal questions clouded my mind who sent it ? why me? who's Benjamin?

I sat down with a cup of tea and studied the book it frustrated me to think it was someone's journal and it was empty every page was just blank paper. I opened the journal to the first page and I screamed Hello Annie was written there plain as day what on earth is this is this some kind of joke?? This is no trick Annie Who are you I yelled what is this magic?? Annie I cant talk much now all can say is my names Benjamin Broak and I'm your husband.. and that was it the page only had that written on it and the mystery continued. I didn't understand what was happening I had never been married and I have no idea who this man is! it was enough odd things to happen in one day I put the book down had a shower and went to bed.

That night I dreamt of Benjamin looking into his eyes or what I thought was him and I was snatched away leaving my home and my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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