Letter Nine:

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Dear Mother,

Alicia has offered to take me on a little vacation.  We both need one after what we've gone through, what with her mother in the hospital with a broken hip and the rock incident, but I had to decline the invitation.  I can't possibly leave Aaron while there's a murderer on the lose.  He probably wouldn't feel safe if I was out all alone anyway.  So, instead of going with Alicia on her little vacation, I agreed to watch her children.  They are cute little things, but they can get a little noisy sometimes.

After a second thought, Aaron and I both agreed that it would be safe to watch them in a hotel, rather than our apartment, so we booked a room for the weekend.  Maybe we could go on a road trip instead.  I'm sure they would enjoy that, but I'm not sure Aaron and I would.  After all, they are kids, and they get bored easily.  Sitting in the car for three hours straight is probably not the best of ideas.

I hope Alicia has a great time, and hopefully Aaron and I can finally have a little peace away from the apartment.  Once we are done watching Alicia's kids, maybe we can swing by and say hello.


          Abigail Kibbins

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