Flower Boy TEASER

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(All in Josh's P.O.V unless said over wise) sorry for spelling mistakes through out the story


"Why do you always wear flower shirts?" A guy asks me. He was tall and buff. I was just small and well.. Feminine. "Cause they're pretty." I tell him. He stares at me.

"You better run fast, girly. Cause I don't like faggots like you." He shouts and begins to run after me.

I was terrified that he would catch me. And he called me a faggot. I keep running until I reach my house. My house was just another place where I wasn't accepted.

My mom used to think it was cute until I turned 17. Then she just thought I was gay, which is practically true but what was I supposed to say. 'Hey mom. Guess what? I'm a feminine gay guy.' Like no please.

My dad left cause of it. And ever since then, I've been the cause of our family breaking up. I always looked up to my dad but I was always dressing up like my mom.

I run in the door and slam it shut. "Josh? Is that you?" My mom yells from the kitchen. I could tell she was in the kitchen cause the smell of amazing food being cooked. "Yeah, mom. It's me!" I yell back. I quickly run up the stairs and into my room so I could get changed.

Sadly it would have to be something that a normal guy would wear. A shirt that was plain black and leather jeans passed in the 'guy' zone. I gently fold up my flowery sweater and place it on my bed before walking back downstairs.

"See, Joshua. This is what you're supposed to wear." My mom smiles at me. I give her a fake smile and push myself up onto the table. "Whatcha cooking?" I ask her. "Dinner. We're having beef stroganoff." She tells me and flashes me a quick smile.

"Your father will be joining us for dinner tonight by the way, Josh." She tells me and I groan. "I'm not dying my hair again for him. Fuck him." I say without thinking. Swearing wasn't allowed in the household cause my sister was very young.

"Language! What happens in Abigail hears you? She's only seven, Josh!" She yells. "Sorry mom." I say and push myself off of the table and walk myself out of the kitchen.

Only if they were here.


It was only short but please tell me if you like it or not!

Flower Boy - JoshlerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt