13. Deathbeds

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Only 4 more chapters left after this. I'm so grateful for how good this story is going. It's lame but you guys seem to be liking it! By the way, short chapter. I have a cold and I'm supposed to be sleeping.


"How'd you find him?" A police officer asks as Tyler is lifted into the ambulance. "I walked down here and there was small bubbles coming from the water and-and I just jumped in and searched for him in the water til I got him. He wasn't breathing when I got him." I explain to the doctor who was on the scene along with the police officer.

"There's cut wounds on his wrists. Did he self harm a lot?" The doctor asks.

"No, it shocked me when I saw the blade on the pier. I didn't know he could even be in that state of mind. He always seems so happy." I tell him.

"We're going to take him to the hospital and make sure he stays alive. At the moment he's still unconscious and there's a chance he'll fall into a coma." Another doctor says.

"Please make sure he stays alive. He has a whole life ahead of him."


Waiting rooms are never fun, especially when your best friend is in a bed with severe blood loss and has an excessive amount of water in his lungs.

It was around five in the morning and doctors are saying to me that he's just asleep.

Doctors were coming in, some were here when Tyler got here and they gave me small smiles. I look around and see the familiar red and blue lights pulling into the hospital.

Probably a car crash or something. I decide to not worry about it and I get up and walk over to the receptionist.

"Hi, um, is there any way I could see Tyler Joseph?" I ask her. She looks up at me and sighs. "I'll check for you." She says and calls a number from the phone.

"Hi? Doctor Black? It's Melissa, I have a guy here wanting to see the patient, Tyler Joseph." She says. "Yeah. What's your name?" She asks me. "Josh, Josh Dun. I'm family of Tyler." I tell her.

"His name is Josh, he's family of Tyler. Bring him in? Yeah what room is that? Oh okay, do you want me to walk him over? Yeah sure, I'll do that. Bye." She says and hangs up.

"He's in the hospital around the corner." She says and looks at me.

"Hospital around the corner?" I ask. "I believe it's the Ivan Hospital." She says. "What kind of hospital is that?" I ask her. Ivan hospital?

"It's a hospital for the mentally insane."


Cliffhanger? I think so.

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