| Chapter 1 |

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Hi there! This is my first book on this account so I'd appriciate it if you commented and liked it!

Be warned that I do cuss, maybe not so much in this chapter, but still.

I added a song to go with the story, it's called Deadline by There For Tomorrow, if you haven't checked them out I suggest you should, but yeah, let's get started! :D


Sonic's P.O.V

Ever heard the word, terminal?

It's a term used to describe a permanent disease. I know what your thinking.

Why the hell is this important?

Well I've been diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer.

I was given 3 months to live. The doctor says I'll be lucky to even live that long.

Can I be honest?... it hurts. Being here hurts, being alone and having to lie to everyone hurts.

I don't want to lie to them but I simply can't find the words to say. "Hey guys I have terminal lung cancer and I'm going to die in less than 3 months or so."

I don't think it'd work out well of I said that so I'd rather keep this to myself.

Besides, this makes it so much easier for others, although I know I can't hide it forever.

I'm also not the best liar, but oh well.
I walk on a dirt road nearing a lake. Truth be told, I didn't hate the water, more like I hated being in it.

I don't mind being near it or sitting close to it. But I can't swim so what's the fun in getting in the water if I'm gonna drown?

That would obviously be a stupid idea, I don't want to die just yet.

I took a seat near the small lake and stared ahead as the sun began to set.

I feel kind of lost. I'm not sure how to feel about this cancer thing.

I mean of course I feel sad that I will no longer be able to see my friends, and I'm a little angry that I've never even had to live a full life, but somehow I feel more empty.

It's like an empty hatred, like the one I have for Egghead. Even the one I have for Shadow.

Honestly, I kind of wish me and him could've become closer...

He's my rival and my friend but I wish that just somehow we could become so much closer.

I hardly know anything about him, what he likes to do in his free time, who he likes, what type of things he's into.

It's a random thought, but I wonder if he knows anything truly about me.

Does he know that inside I'm empty, that I'm a liar and that I can't be trusted? Does he know that I'm a sick person?

I could feel my heart pounding at the thought of him thinking anything bad about me.

My hands tremble with anxiety at the thought of him hating me even more if possible.

I feel so unstable and tears blur. What brought this emotion on?

The fact that I have cancer? The fact that I want someone to hold me? The thoughts that course through my head like a river and won't stop flowing?

Why am I like this?

I feel sick. Like I'm going to die, but I'm not, not yet. It's just anxiety. It's just the feeling of my heart in my throat and the ringing in my ears.

I fall, panting on my knees. I'd like to say that I was gonna be okay, but I wasnt. I was here, and I was scared.

I'm scared of the fact that I won't be able to run much longer, I'm scared if being alone and I'm scared of having no one to love me like an actual person.

It won't make a difference.

But I crave it so badly.

So badly.

I crave for someone to hold me in my dying summer and tell me that even though I'm here dying there's nothing to worry about cause they'll be with me till my last breath.

I want them to yell at me, and curse and cry with me when they realize that I'm dying.

But there's no one here but me. Me and my mind.

Me and my thoughts alone are a dangerous combination.

I want to tell someone but who? Who could I trust, I can't let this get out. Even telling one person endangers my privacy.

Once news spreads it turns to gossip and then people will have tabloids and magazines. I can see it already.

"Mobious Hero not able to be a hero anylonger."

Magazines and billboards everywhere.

I hate that shit.

That kind of stuff will ruin my last days, and who knows how long I have left.

I dont want to have reporters trying to get the scoop about my illness. I just want to die in peace.

Is that so much to ask for? Just a few months in peace. No one to make up rumors about me.

Is it so wrong of me to ask for something so small? I'm not asking for the world on a platter just a little alone time with me and someone who loves me.

Not that I have anyone who cares about me romantically.

Single life. Yep, you heard it here, Sonic the hedgehog is single, I have no love life whatsoever and have no faith in ever having one. (LITTERALY ME.)

Well for now I need to pull myself together, who knows, maybe my last summer will be different then expected.


THAT'S IT FOR THE FIRST chapter. Hope you liked it, please give feedback.

Question of the day: last song you listened to?

Answer: Doin it right by daft punk.


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