| Chapter 2 |

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Hello, it's time for chapter 2 wahaha. I added a song, the name of it is Daughters Medicine.

Anyway, let's get started.


Shadow's P.O.V

It's been weeks since I've heard from Sonic. Don't get me wrong it's not like I care.

He's my rival its my job to be curious. Again, he's my rival.

Who cares? Not me. I could give two shits.

Everything goes the wrong way when I talk to him anyway.

We're rivals so we always fight. Even when he tried to make things work.

How dare he. How dare he try to be my friend.

I feel like I should give him a peice of my mind.

Walking I make my way to Sonic's house. I know it's odd that I know his adress but just get with me now.

It was dark. Which was odd. His house was usually all lit up, and he'd be outside napping in the grass.

But it looks so lonely and vacant. Emptiness.

Hesitation over whelms me as I g I towards the door. It's unlocked, so I figure something up and I go inside.

Upon entrance I find myself coughing. The smell of rotten food fills my nostrils.

I gag slightly and continue to enter. Just then I hear a slam and some coughing.

So, what do I do?

I follow the noises of course. Maybe he's sick. But he never gets sick so this is weird.

I feel uncomfortable. In a bad way.

I don't think there's a good way to be uncomfortable is there? Whatever.

I find myself staring into the brightly lit bathroom. My eyes widen watching as my rival vomits into the toilet.

Vomit isn't red.

Vomit is not supposed to be red.

I find myself panicking. Why should I care?

What should I do?

This has never happened before.

What do I do. What do I do. What do I do. What do I do.

Inhaling sharply I bend down. "Sonic?" I'm able to get out.

His body stiffens and as soon as he's done puking he lifts his face to look at me.

Dull eyes are staring at me. There empty and so is he.

I'm taken back and I don't know what to say so I stupidly put together a sentence.

"Are you okay?" He laughs bitterly. "Of course."

Stupid question.

Stupid brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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