Geek Week Eve

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Justin slowly backs away from the extremely horny couple before he explodes in front of them, ruining the mood. He runs as if he was handling a set-off grenade that was about to blow. He found a bar and notices the bouncer at the front was taking a smoke break, so he runs in. Justin isn't a bad kid, well he is kinda, but he's also someone with good intentions, (he needs to pee). He makes a beeline sprint into the bathroom, only to recognize 2 people, his twin sister Anna and Anna's girlfriend Mary, which leads Justin to believe that he is in fact in a lesbian bar, and which also lets him know that she is here with his old fake ID. It's New Year's Eve in New York and Justin couldn't be more content with the progress he made the past year.
Justin, who is now Jennifer, watches Star Wars for the first time with his sister and her girlfriend, with the parents away on vacation. Jennifer slowly falls in love with Princess Leia as she does nothing but pose in her bikini at Jabba the Hut's side. Jennifer becomes so hypnotized and so in the closet that she made another discovery. She also admires Han Solo, but in a none sexual way. It was as if, she knew she was destined to become him, to become a him. Preferred pronouns came rushing in and the feeling she gets when answering the phone as, yes, darling? Or yes, ma'am? It became clear to her now, to him now.

He immediately started undergoing treatment. The treatment surgically removed his breast and gave him a penis. He was told later that he still had to take testosterone pills if he wanted to achieve more masculine features, like a deeper voice, more facial hair, etc. With the excitement of his treatment in mind, he spent his last few nights in the hospital, binge watching Star Wars, reading fanfics, creating a blog that later gained popularity, and so much more Star Wars worshiping . After coming out to his parents as transgender, with that in his parents' heads, they took way more vacations and Justin was fine with that. Over time, Anna and Justin waited for their birthday to come, which is also when their parents came home to celebrate not only their daughter's birthday, but also their son's.

Overtime, Jennifer fell in love with the name Justin and always admired it, so he decided to go for it. After his treatment, it was hard for his friends to adjust at school, so he transferred to a private school in hopes of making new friends. Private school being as expensive as it is, he had to take multiple jobs just to pay for it. He just quit his last job because his boss was being transphobic. So now, he has to transfer back to public school after Christmas break and he doesn't look forward to it. All the comments. All the slurs. They will be the death of him. He decides tonight will be his last night to go crazy before having to endure the suffering that is public school. So, what is he doing now? Pissing like crazy with his new dick.


He eventually finishes, washes his hands, and manages to cup his hands full of tap water to drink his pills. Justin tries his best to ignore his sister and her girlfriend, not because he loathes his sister but because of his new year's curse. Every year, he hypes up on New Year's Eve, and patiently waits for the ball drop, but he never sees it in person, and his sister loves this, because she always gets to see it and he doesn't. She loves it so much, that she actually mentioned it in their uncle's obituary. "uncle Brax has more of a chance being with a prostitute than Jennifer has with the ball drop" everyone laughed. Inevitably, because of this, now everyone tease him for it, but now they kept their mouths shut after the treatment.

Justin turns around to see them both, Anna wearing his fake ID, Justin got when he was Jennifer. Anna was wearing a classic dress that you would wear in the 1920's, like a flapper dress, but instead it was covered in bedazzled beads in a rainbow pattern. Mary was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a shirt that read, "I look twenty". Immediately concerned that Anna is the only one in a costume.
"Why are you wearing that?" Justin asked.
"Ummm, well... ok, first of all, what are you doing here? Last time I checked, your ship has already set sail." Anna snapped back.
" I needed the restroom, why are you wearing that?" Justin repeated.
Mary started to giggle.
"Shut up!" Anna exclaimed.
"Okay, so, I invited your sister to tag along here, and she basically screwed me over looking for her because I gave her clear instructions on what to wear." Mary explained.
"What do you mean by that?" Justin asked.
Anna face palmed herself, took a deep breath, and whispers under it under her breath.
"I dressed for the wrong twenties... " she whispered.
" I'm sorry what was that?" Mary teased.
" I dressed for the wrong twenties! Listen, I was given clear instructions! You said to dress like you're in the twenties! Not in your twenties!"
Both Justin and Mary started to laugh like crazy.
" I hate you both so much right now" Anna growled.
With that, Justin just wanted to sit down and relax before the countdown, but it was already too late for that because right when he was about to order something of the menu, he's stopped by the start and end of something beautiful.
He runs towards the front doors and yells bye to them both.
He finds himself a bike unchained outside and decides to steal it before time runs out.
He ride the bike on the sidewalk until he sees there is a rainbow (a collection of gay people) right in front of his way.
He steers to the left, into the bike lane and bounces off of a taxi cab that was clearly trying to take up the whole road.
He is attacked by millions of coins - probably worth more- as they're being tossed in the air by the rich for the poor.
He sees it. The ball. It's only a kiss away. He notices that the time is being slowed down, he may actually have a shot at this.
He makes it! He finally makes it! He runs into someone, a girl. She's knocked face down. He helps her get up and dust her off.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay"
" is that my bike?"
Justin's eyes grow wide and apologizes again and she accepts his apology again.
" hi, my name is Caitlin"
The crowd pushes in on them and makes them bump into each other so they kiss so passionate and so new with each other that they soon forget who they are and only focus on the kiss.
Justin had only ever felt this way with his previous boyfriends. He never questioned
his sexuality, only his gender. Soon, everyone either evacuated back to their normal lives or started hooking up. Sadly, Justin decide on the former. So he returned his temporary bike and headed home. Justin and Anna live in an apartment on the 6th floor. He's usually greeted by Hugh, the Russian landlord he's always admired when it came to manhood, because he's so buff and strong. Every Christmas time the rent is free as a treat for the residents. He loves everyone in the building and they love him back.

Justin only talked a few times to Hugh while waiting for his sister. He mentioned he had his other half in Russia, slaving away as a bartender in a hotel. He said that one day he would bring his partner to America and treat his partner with gifts and clothes. Justin realized just recently that Hugh always mentions his lover as other half or partner. This makes Justin believe that Hugh may be gay. Justin can just imagine all of the romantic things that they will experience together. Even if Hugh's other half is a woman, that wouldn't change the fact that Hugh would make an excellent lover. Justin realizes not only this, but also that the next time Hugh sees Jennifer, Jennifer would be Justin. He smiles just to think of Hugh's over dramatized reaction to almost everything.
"Maybe he is gay?" Justin wondered.

Anna was the one who had to interrupt her session with Mary and answer the door. Mary got up and asked Justin if he made it. Justin, decided to lie just so that they won't asked what happened when he got there. If Anna found out about Justin kissing some random stranger, it would be worse than the New Year's curse. He would never hear the end of it. He decided to just lie, run to his room, and try to rest off his hazy head with the thought of Caitlin.

If only Justin could've been a little more informed, a little more educated, a little more experienced, a little more ready for what tomorrow has in store for him.

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