Geek Week day one part one

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Justin is prepared to look for a new job to pay for private schooling, and he's also ready to face the world in his state of completion. However, he is not ready to what he wakes up to: literally him naked in a grass-floored room with no windows or doors visible. He can see only a screen channeling static in front of him, which brightens the room to show him four objects occupying the space: a full-bodied sweat suit with a honeycomb pattern overlapping obvious wiring, a metallic, cold chair with a seat belt around it, a small green box wrapped with a bow, and a comically-large button. He realizes what he must do, so he puts on the suit, to no surprise, it fits him perfectly. After he manages to put it on, a red light blinks on and off.

He is jerked to one side of the room to the other. As if some magnetic force was pulling him towards the chair. He has no choice but to gradually sit down and buckle in. Eventually, it's just him with the cold, metallic chair freezing his ass off as he forces himself to stay down and patiently wait what happens next. Where is Ana? Where is Mary? Are they with me here too? What am I doing here? Am I being held hostage? Am I going to die? Can I bargain for my life? Are they going to kill me? What the f*ck is going on right now? These and many more twisted thoughts and ideas flood Justin's head. He screams. And he screams. He stomps on the grass floor and jumps up and down, and even shakes the screen. The static flickered on and off and interrupted his tantrum. He then pays attention to what it has to say:

Attention! Attention! Geek week will be commencing in 15 mins.
Attention! Attention! Geek week will be commencing in 15 mins.
If you are a new geek, please push the button, for training, to bring you up to speed.

Geek week? Justin is still a little bit concerned for his safety. He just wants to know what's going on. Then he stares up at the screen and now it only says
In flashing red.

Annoyed with all of this, he pushes it and is jerked back into his seat.
He believes he is knocked out because it turned pitch black. He was currently walking towards insanity until the screen expanded all around him. Then, he sees it, the reason he's here. He sees J.K. Rowling in a library writing down notes. He starts off with J.K. Rowling, and she starts it off
"Hello Out there..."
"... And welcome...", continued by Cassandra Clare
"... To a place like no other..." , said Matthew Gray Gubler
"...where we can game,..." , exclaimed Pewdiepie, Markliplier, and jacksepticeye
" ... Reenact,..." , Remarked JJ Abrams, Steven Spielberg, and Michael Bay
".... Share ,.." , explained by the first two authors guided by Stephen King
"... COSPLAY!!!... ", shouted everyone from the previous geek week in costume
"... And most importantly geek... " screamed by everyone involved in the geek epidemic.
"... So may the force be with you..."
"... May the odds be ever in your favor..."
"... Because in the world of the geek..."
"... You're your own savior..."
" ... With that in mind, thank you all for joining us this year's geek week and have the best of times..."
The video stopped and now it plays the next part, the actual training. It was basically a list of 5 rules they have that they're certainly strict on, in all caps with all of the world's geek memorabilia and nostalgia going off at light speed, passing the words. While the words are up, there is a voice-over explaining the rules, but Justin thinks it's there for the blind or hard of sight.

Rule 1) please be well-behaved and well-mannered to other geeks
VO: respect each other with dignity and class, remember that if we can get you to geek week, we can take you out of it
Rule 2) please mind the monsters
VO: they are paid security/staff meant to protect you by attacking you, so make sure your powers are enacted. They also find all of the non-geeks sent to geek week by accident or through "GLITCH"- They treat the word glitch as if it's a person, Justin thought. Don't worry, your powers will be activated once you go through programming, for now, please mind the monsters.
Rule 3) please don't affect any of the technology
VO: please don't touch any of the wiring throughout geek week's infinite campuses, they are meant to get power and plumbing, mostly power, throughout geek week's public facilities
Rule 4) please don't go up the tower
VO: the tower is for the cosplay/performance elite, to those who win 1st place in multiple featured categories. The tower is also headquarters to the various creators of geek week, and home to one of our most esteemed doctors. Don't be surprised it'll be your last day on geek week, if you attempt to go up the tower.
Rule 5)
Sorry, to be continued...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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