Chapter 2

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The first thing he heard after the impact was a loud CLAP! When he opened his eyes, he saw Kelly slapping the palms of her hands together inches away from his nose.

          "Collin!" she yelled, although he only heard her muffled yells. "Are you okay?"

          His vision went back to focus and saw Kelly's face right above his. She clapped her hands one last time and saw Collin regain consciousness.

          "What happened?" he asked lifting himself off the ground. He looked around and saw a crowd of people an arm's distance surrounding him.

          "You were hit by a car," she replied unsure of what to do. "The son of a bitch took off. I don't think you should move. We should wait until the paramedics get here."

          He touched the back of his head, but there was no blood. The moment he was up, he felt pain in his knees. There was debris from the road on the right side of his face. After wiping it off, he felt blood on his cheek. He looked at his hand and sighed. He wiped his hands on his suit, broke through the crowd and began towards the restaurant as if nothing happened.

          He looked around and saw a crowd of people taking photos with their phones on the sidewalk where the restaurant was. There was a car stopped on the lane he fell to, stopping traffic on lane closest to the sidewalk. The driver stood by his opened door asking, "You alright?" as he walked on by. Collin ignored him, eyes focused on the restaurant that was so close now. Sirens were draining in louder, headed in his direction.

          Luckily, as he walked off the street, his light was green. He made his way through the stopped cars. He was almost on the opposite sidewalk when he felt a hand tug on his arm.

          "Please," Kelly said. "You should wait for the paramedics."

          "I'm not going far," he replied.

          He approached the restaurant where the people sitting on the patio area, mouths open, food on forks that never made it to their palate, stared at him meandering towards them. He walked to the entrance and startled the hostess.

          "Oh my God," she exclaimed. "Are you ok?"

          He looked down at her name tag and replied normally, "I'm fine Sandra." He scanned the room, all eyes on him, but he was just looking for Beatrice and the prick. "There was a woman sitting outside with a man." He paused, his body finally began sending him signals of the pain from every direction. The sharpest sting came from his temple. "She was sitting with a man and they were having mimosas, nothing else. Do you remember them?"

          "Yes," she replied fearfully.

          "Which direction did they leave in?"

          "They left in a cab. I don't know where to."

          "How long ago?"

          "Right before you got hit by the car."

          He left the restaurant and saw the police pull up to the crime scene followed shortly by the paramedics. He looked up and down the street. There were several cabs in different directions. Realizing he had failed, he walked towards the police who were speaking with Kelly and taking notes down of what she was saying. She was waving her hands in a frenzy, surely telling her story of the accident, when she saw Collin approaching. Her eyes widened and she pointed to him. He was close enough now to hear her demand that they go help him.

          The police report was taken and the paramedics told him to ice his knees, he had a minor concussion, and no broken bones. They finished patching up the scrapes on his face and left. The commotion was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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