I Do

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Happy fixed her dress as she looked at herself in the mirror taking in her reflection. She is wearing a beautiful white floor length dress thanks to Paige who insisted she take her dress shopping the day after Toby proposed to her. She would never admit it but she was thankful that Paige made her go. She hated the idea of looking through hundreds of shops just to find a dress she would literally only wear once in her life.

But after trying on 20 different dresses she finally found the one she loved a white floor length dress,  that was fitted at the top and down to her hips, and was loose at the bottom. The top of the dress had a low cut neck line with a white lace pattern. Her hair was in loose curls that flowed down her back, her makeup light. Instead of her normal black combat boots she wore white 4 inch heels and to finish off the look, around her neck lay a small sliver necklace that her father gave her the day they reconnected. Patrick had told her that it belonged to her mother.

Paige broke her out of her thoughts when she walked into the room. "Oh Happy you look beautiful" said the other woman. Happy nodded taking a few deep breathes "Thanks" she said in a low whisper. "So are you ready to seal the deal with Toby?" Paige asked as she grabbed the vail from the hook on the door. "Honestly I think I am all my life I've wanted to run from things that made me scared or that I didn't know what they held for me, but standing here now I don't feel like running away, I actually feel, well happy" she said giving a small laugh. Paige nodded giving a smile as she placed the vail on top of Happy's head making sure the thin fabric laid perfectly over her face. "Well come on let's go get you married" Paige said walking toward the door.

Happy followed Paige out the door as she leads her to here everyone else was including Toby. As Happy and Paige were walking, Happy spotted the piano that was in the corner, that started this all. She remembers the day clearly, Toby bringing her over to the piano singing her that cheesy proposal song that she secretively loved, telling her that he will always love her. In that moment she didn't care that he proposed in front of the whole team. She ended up jumping  into his arms screaming  "yes." Now one year later she was having the wedding.

Paige stopped at the door turning to Happy "ready?" She ask as Happy's father came up to stand beside her. She nods "as ready as I'm going to be" she says taking the white and red roses from Paige. Paige goes and sits down in the front. Happy links her arm with her father's as the music starts to play. She is standing in front of the door that goes out to the roof. "Happy I'm so proud of you and the woman you have become, I'm so sorry I left you all those years ago" her father says as she puts a strand of hair behind her ear. "Dad it's okay, i forgave you a long time ago" she says a small smile forming on her lips. "Thanks Happy, now let's go get you married" he says kissing her head.

Patrick opens the door. Happy and her father start to slowly walk down the aisle to the music that is playing. She looks around at the scene that is in front of her. Her team, which had become more like a family over the years are sitting in the chairs that on both sides of the roof. Walter and Paige are sitting up front on the left side. Sly and Cabe are sitting on the right side. They are all watching Patrick and Happy.

As Happy walks down the aisle her eyes land on Toby the man she will be married to in a matter of minutes. She tends to wonder how he got her heart, but somehow he did. She sees that he isn't wearing his hat and that he cleans up nice. He has the biggest smile and loving look in his eyes that she has ever seen. She soon reaches where Toby is standing, she hands her father the roses as he goes and sits down behind Walter and Paige.

Once Happy is standing in front of Toby he slowly lifts the vail off her face pushing it back so it lays behind her head. The smile that is on his face makes her smile back at him. "Hi you look beautiful as always" he says so only she can hear. "Thanks Doc, you don't look so bad yourself" she says smiling. His thumb rubs her cheek wiping away tears that had happened to escape.

Ray who is standing behind them clears his throat lightly "do you two have vows you would like to say to each other?" he ask looking between the two. They both nod looking at each other.

Toby takes her hands looking her in the eyes "Happy Quinn before I met you I was a mess and didn't think I would ever be happy or in love again. Then one day Walter brought you into the garage to tell us he has found another member for our team. Once I saw you I knew we had a special connection even if you were a hard shell to crack I knew I would one day. You were everything I wanted in a woman that I didn't know I needed. You are independent, beautiful, smart, loving and caring. You have helped me so much Happy with the gambling and with things I didn't know I needed help with you have made me a better person. I love you and always will" he says smiling and places a kiss to her forehead.

She smiles wiping the tears that started to run down her face. She looks up at him as she holds his hands. "Doc I don't even know where to start" she says chuckling lightly. "Well I guess I should start by saying thank you, you love me for who I am anger and all. I never thought I would love someone the way I love you Toby. You mean the world to me. I want to thank you for loving me. I never thought i would find someone that loves the way you love me. Thank you for taking care of me and being the first person to not abandon me. For making me happy and making me believe in love again. I love you so much and I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you and no one else" she says smiling up at him wiping her eyes lightly.

Ralph starts to walk down the aisle holding the rings once he gets to the front he hands the rings to both Happy and Toby. Ralph goes and sits next to Mr. Quinn. Ray smiles "Tobias M. Curtis do you take Happy Grace Quinn as your lawfully wedded wife?" Ray ask as he looks at Toby "I do" Toby says choking up some. Toby goes and slides the ring on her finger placing a kiss on her hand. "Happy Quinn do you take Tobias M. Curtis to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Ray asks looking at Happy. "I do" she says sliding the ring onto his finger smiling. "By the power vested in me and by the state of California I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" Ray says smiling.

Toby slides his arms around her waist pulling her close pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. She slowly kisses back her arms going up to wrap around his neck. They both get caught up in the kiss, they soon pull away once they hear the claps from the people in front of them. Toby smiles down at her taking her hand as they start to walk back up the aisle.

After the vows were made and the wedding ceremony was over all the chairs were moved out of the way and the reception started.

Happy was walking around getting  congratulations from the team. She looked over to where Toby was standing a smile on his face as he talked to his father-in-law. Once Toby saw her, he bid his good bye to her father and made his way over to her. "Care to dance Mrs. Curtis?" Toby said a slight smirk on his face. She lightly hit his chest nodding her head as he pulled her to the middle of the roof, pulling her up against him. His arms where around her waist holding her close. She snakes her arms around his waist laying her head on his chest feeling his heartbeat fill her ear as they danced to the song that was playing. The song soon ended but they continued to dance not wanting the moment to end.

Hours later the reception ended and everyone went home including Toby and Happy. The happy couple ended up getting home at 2am. Once they got home they both change and get in bed. Happy curls herself up against Toby half of her body laying on top of him. Toby wraps his arm around Happy rubbing at her side. "Thank you Doc I had a wonderful day, I love you" she says closing her eyes. "I love you too Happy" he  kisses her head "Goodnight Kitten Pie" Toby says falling asleep. Happy falls asleep shortly after to the sound of Toby's heartbeat and a smile on her face.

Word Count: 1638
So this ended up being longer then I thought it would. This is my first time writing a fanfic. So please be nice. I hope you end up liking it.

QUINTIS: I Will Always Love You Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora