I Will Always Be There For You

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"Toby, I'm pregnant" the words echoed around in Toby's head, causing him to get a slight headache. He looks at the woman that is sitting in front of him the look on her face is a mixer of shocked and scared, which takes him by surprise since he has never seen Happy look as scared as she is now. "Doc please say something" she says in a small scared voice. Toby is broken out of his thoughts when she speaks. "You're pregnant?" he states as a smile forms on his lips. Happy nods slowly "please don't leave me" she says a look of panic showing on her face. "Happy I'm not going to leave you why would you ever think I would leave you" he says pulling her to her feet. "I don't know we never talked about having kids, you've never said you wanted kids and yet here I am pregnant" she says as Toby sits on the bench pulling her to sit on his lap. He places his hand under her chin making her look at him. "Happy I love you more than I can even describe I will always be there for you, and yes we never talked about kids and yes I never actually said I wanted kids" she looks at him with the I told you so look, "but that doesn't mean that I don't want kids. Honestly I never thought kids would even be in my future, but these last few months of marriage I've been thinking about what it would be like to have a family with you. So yes this pregnancy wasn't planned but I'm beyond happy that you are pregnant and that we are going to have a family of our own" he says rubbing small circles on her back.

She smiles leaning back against him, her eyes closing as her hand goes down to rest on her stomach. "Sweetie I made you an appointment with my friend that is a GYN, her name is Dr. Watson" he says showing her his phone. She nods "what time did you make the appointment for" she ask titling her head up placing a kiss to his chin. "6pm tonight" he states placing his hand over hers lacing their fingers together. She nods "we always come back to this piano when we have live changing news don't we" she says laughing lightly as she sits up. "Yeah we do" Toby says smiling. She gets off his lap sitting down next to him facing the piano. "I have something I would like to show you" she says running her fingers over the keys. "What is it honey bear" he says smiling. She doesn't respond to his question, she just simply starts playing. Toby watches her in amazement having no idea she knew how to play. Happy's fingers move gently over the piano keys. It's as if she is in a trace not remembering that she isn't alone, she starts to hum softly her body moving with the movement of her fingers. After a few minutes she stops playing, turning to look up at Toby. "When I was in foster care, this one family I stayed with had this beautiful grand piano I was fascinated with it. So one day while I was there I went over to the piano and tried to play, my mother" she says using air quotes, "caught me, I thought I would be in trouble get a beating but it turned out she asked me if I would like to learn" Toby listens to her surprised that she is sharing something about her past. He wraps an arm around her waist pulling her close. She smiles "so of course I said yes and the next day she had someone teaching me how to play the piano" she says looking at him. Toby runs his fingers through Happy's hair smiling down at her. "Thank you, I know how hard it can be for you to share things about your childhood" he says kissing her head. She smiles "wake me when it's time to go to the doctor" she mumbles laying her head on his shoulder as she falls asleep.

Toby runs his hand through Happy's hair "Happy baby it's time to get going" he says placing a kiss to her head. Happy stirs slowly opening her eyes "how long was I sleep for?" she ask sitting up. "An hour and a half" he says standing as he stretches his sore muscles. "My back is killing me" Toby states as he takes her hand pulling her to her feet. "You could have moved me" she says walking to the garage door. "Yeah I know, but I didn't want to" he states opening the door. Just as they are about to walk out the door Walter stops them "Where are you two going, I didn't say you could leave yet" he says folding his arms over his chest. "First off Walter we don't have to ask you if we can leave the garage and secondly this is import and we will be back in the morning" Happy states walking out the door before Walter can protest. Toby follows behind her "Do you know how hot you are telling Walter off like that" he says getting in Happy's truck. "Oh shut it Doc, you think everything I do is hot" she says driving to the doctors. "Well I mean" he smirks "you're pretty hot in the bedroom when you're rid..." he starts to say then Happy cuts him off "seriously Doc?" she says looking at him. "Yes, I'm very serious" he says smirking. She rolls her eyes but she can't keep the smirk off her face. She pulls into parking lot putting the car in park and gets out. She comes around to Toby's side of the car taking his hand as they walk in. "Hi, we're here to see Dr. Watson" Toby says. The woman behind the window smiles looking at the both of them "sure thing just sign in and a nurse will call you back shortly" she says pointing to the clipboard in front of them. Happy picks up the pen writing her name on the clipboard, she then pulls Toby to the waiting room. She pushes him into one of the chairs and sits on his lap curling into him. "Toby, I'm scared what if something goes wrong? What if I can't have the baby safely? What if I die at childbirth like my mother did" she states as she starts to shake thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Toby rubs her back whispering into her hair "shh shh, it's going to be okay Happy the baby will be fine you will be fine, you are one of the strongest people I know you can handle anything" he says. She smiling calming down. "Happy Curtis" calls a short nurse with blonde hair.

Happy stands, Toby following shortly after. They both walk back with the nurse as Happy leans against Toby, since her legs are shaking so bad that she can't really stand without support. "So first time seeing Dr. Watson?" the nurse ask. "Yes" Toby says smiling. The nurse opens the door letting Toby and Happy enter, "Dr. Watson will be with you shortly" she says as she closes the door. Happy sits in the chair leaning her head back. Toby sits down next to her taking her hand in his. They sit like this for the next five minutes before Dr. Watson walks in. "Hi Happy, I'm Dr. Watson" she says closing the door. Happy nods "Hi" she says. So Happy how about you sit up here and we will get an ultrasound to see how you and the baby are doing" she says sitting down. "Nice to see you again Toby I see you finally got married lovely lady you got here" she says as Happy sits in the chair. "Thank you Dr. Watson, yeah she is lovely little feisty though" he says smirking. Happy hits him "Ow! I mean that in a good way" he states rubbing his arm. Dr. Watson chuckles "Happy do you mind lifting your shirt up" she ask. Happy lifts her shirt up until its resting just underneath her chest. The doctor puts the gel on Happy's abdomen spreading it around with the wand. She then turns on the ultrasound machine, slowly moving the wand around. After about 3 minutes Dr. Watson finds the baby "ah there we go" she says turning the machine toward Happy and Toby. She points to where the baby is "yes I know you two are geniuses, but as you can tell here the baby is developing at the rate it should be, no extra toes or fingers. Also it seems that you just hit your three month mark Happy" she says smiling. Happy blushes as she remembers the night this all happened. "Doctor, if I'm three months pregnant how did I not know? I only just now realized I never got my period" she ask. "It's normal for couples that are more sexually active, the woman tends to get her period later and they normally don't think about it since woman can go a few months without getting their period" she says looking at Happy. Happy nods "you guys will be able to know the sex of the baby in about four weeks and would you like copies?" she ask as she hits print on the machine. She hands Happy and Toby the copies. "Now Happy do you have any medical things we should watch out for?" she ask. Happy shakes her head "No, but my mother did die at childbirth" she says squeezing Toby's hand. Toby rubs circles on her hand kissing her cheek. The doctor writes that down "I'm sorry to hear that, but I promise that won't happen again" she says smiling. "Other than that Happy you are perfectly healthy and so is the baby, I will also be the one delivering your baby unless you would like someone else" she says. "No, I want you, Doc here says you are the best there is" she states looking at him. Dr. Watson smiles "why thank you Toby, I mean you were in my classes so I still think you are better" she says. Happy smiles "Oh Happy dear, how old are you" the doctor ask. "29" she says. "Thank you, I'll see you back her in four weeks right?" Dr. Watson ask as she hands the wash cloth to Toby. "Yes you will" he says giving the doctor a funny look as she hands Toby the wash cloth. "I know she would feel more comfortable having you clean her up" she says turning off the machine. Toby takes the wash cloth cleaning Happy up and pulling her shirt back down as he kisses her forehead. "Thank you, Kelly" he says as he walks to the front. "No problem, it was nice to finally meet you Happy, Toby never stops talking about you" she says smiling as she walks into her next appointment.

Happy and Toby drive home. "Can you believe we are having a baby!" Toby says excitedly. "No I really can't" Happy says smiling as she unlocks the door to their apartment. She walks to the kitchen hanging the ultrasound pictures on the fridge. Toby comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck "come on lets go to bed" he says between the kisses he is leaving along her neck, he walks her back toward their bedroom. She smirks letting him lead her to the bedroom, knowing they aren't going to get much sleep tonight.


So this one shot turned out to be WAY longer than I thought it would. I hope you enjoy it. The whole thing about periods I'm not sure if that's true the only thing I can say that is true is that woman can go without getting there periods for a while. Again your comments and votes are welcome. :)

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